Chapter 18: New Name

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I wake up to slight rustling. Rubbing my bleary eyes, I sit up in the bed. Thyme and I took turns keeping watch last night and I don't need a mirror to know that my dark circles have deepened. Ugh, I seriously need some under-eye patches. 

Thyme's doing something with the wardrobe but I can't tell what because I'm too distracted by his ripling back muscles. He's fucking shirtless and his jeans are hanging too low on his waist. I think he heard me get up because he turns around and fuck... I'm speechless and full-on gawking at him. 

It's not the first time I've seen him shirtless; when I went to inform him about our trip details, he displayed himself in nothing but a towel. But still, the guy is fucking beautiful. Not a single blemish or flaw. Completely perfectly toned skin. 

"See something you like?" Thyme says. He's leaning on the wardrobe and grinning like the Cashire cat. I tear my gaze away from his abs, pout, frown and look at the torture room door. 

"You woke up right on time. Our guest has awoken." He does a ridiculously low bow (that is unexpectedly graceful) for me. 

I roll my eyes and push through the metal door, revealing our prisoner. 

Leonardo is struggling against the tight knots and when he sees me walk in, I swear his eyes turn red from fury.

He starts screaming at me in Italian like I just chopped off his arm or something... well... I haven't yet.

I stride up to him, still in my outfit from yesterday, pull out Isabella from my chestplate and smirk a very, dirty smirk. 

I watch as dread creeps into his features as I stalk towards him, my blade in my hand but he's surprised when I swing my long leg over and sit in his lap, my front flush against his. I press Isabella to his throat and tilt my head, mere inches away from him. His breathing has gone shallow and I can feel a suspicious bulge underneath me. 

"Talk" I say. Leonardo doesn't answer, only stares into my eyes trying to hide the rising lust. Fucking asshole is ready to cheat on his wife without a second thought.

I bring my lips closer while whispering, "Start talking or I will chop off the useless chunk of flesh dangling between your legs and force you to eat it."

A genuine shiver runs through him and self-satisfaction fills me. Yeah, that's right bitch, you're in my house now. 

"I- I'm just working for my boss and I don't know anything and I don't know why I'm here and please, please spare me, you've already killed my son but I have a wife waiting for me at home, please let me go!" He blurts out and rage fuels inside me. 

I stand up, throw his chair backwards, forcing him to land on his wrists like I did, and step on his throat. The heel of my shoe digs into his adam's apple and he splutters and writhes in pain. 

"You son of a bitch, you're ready to fuck with anything that has a pussy and dishonour your wife but when your held by the throat, you use her as a plea?! You fucking useless piece of shit I'm gonna cut you up into pieces and turn you into fertiliser before sending that to your wife to use in her fucking garden just so that she can step on you every. Single. Fucking. Day." I push harder on his throat and hardly acknowledge the arms that grab me. 

Someone pulls me backwards and I try stepping on Leonardo's throat again but suddenly there are lips grazing my ear and whispering something. 

Thyme is whispering, "Rose you've gotta calm down. We need him alive remember, we need those answers. Right now, the fact that he's a piece of shit doesn't matter, we need to make him tell us the truth." 

And it's then that I realise how close he is to me. His back is flush against mine and his arms are wrapped around my middle, forcing me to stick to him. His face is only a millimeter away from my ear and I can feel his hot breath tickle my neck, sending shivers through me. Though I don't think he notices because he carefully loosens his grip across my abdomen, as if I'm some kind of wild, feral animal. 

My gaze falls on Leonardo once again and he's... crying? 

What the actual fuck?

I'm genuinely baffled. How can someone be that big of a pussy?

I shake my head and throw Isabella, her blade landing a centimeter from Leonardo's face. His crying turns to a gasp which transforms into hysterics. I roll my eyes, pull out Anastasia from my chestplate and throw her as well. Her blade sinks into his arm's flesh so easily and the scream that erupts from Leonardo's mouth makes me feel like a proud mother of my blades. 

I place my hand on my hip and lean to the side slightly saying, "still won't talk?"

His screams die down into ragged breathing, nostrils flaring. His anger is evident in his eyes but so is his fear.

I stalk up to him and crouch down. I stick my bottom lip out in a pout and tilt my head to the side, "aw, is our bastard afraid of a kitty?" I let out a fake laugh and I know I seem like a psychopath to him and that's the point. Sometimes, you just gotta let out your inner Jennifer Lawrence. My smile dips as I growl, "who's your boss?"

Leonardo pauses for a second before answering with, "Corallo."

I step on his arm. "Full name".

He screams and spits out, "Dante! Dante Corallo". 

"Why are you after us?"

Leonardo growls, "Boss never tells us why he does what he does. He only tells us to do it and we do, no questions." 

I grit my teeth. Something tells me he's not lying and I wish he was because that doesn't help our case. 

"Where is he?" 

Leonardo doesn't answer. I pull out Isabella from the ground and slash Leonardo's face. It's deep but not enough to kill him, though with the wound in his chest plus his arm plus his face, I don't know how long he'll hold on to consciousness. 

"I've never met him before. I only worked through phone calls or his messengers would inform me. I don't know his exact location but I've heard that he's in Sanremo". 

Shit. That's a 6.5 hour drive from Rome. 

"How many people work for him?" I ask.

Leonardo laughs through his panting. "He's Dante Corallo! The biggest mafia boss in the world," his eyes darken and a dangerous grin climbs his face. "He has the whole world wrapped around his finger. You and your boyfriend might be a little outnumbered, kitty."

Biggest mafia boss of the world. Biggest fucking mafia boss of the world?! That's what we're up against?! And the SSI only gave us a team of fucking 6?! To take down the whole fucking world?!?!!?!? This is outrageous!

And the worst part? This Dante is definitely directly involved with Keith. If he's in contact with other countries, I have no doubts that he's partnered with Russia and America. 

Right... so 6 decent agents are up against a country with the best army, a country with the best weapons and the biggest mafia boss of the world. What's the worst that could happen?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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