Chapter 15: Unexpected Turn of Events

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Chapter 15:

I watch Leonardo stand in my peripheral vision. He inspects my rectangular recorder, caressing the red 'off' button which he, not so long ago, pressed. 

"You haven't answered my question, Rose." He says. My eyes never leave the giant and neither does Thyme's. How the fuck can he be human?

"Who the fuck are you," I say, but it's not a question, it's an order and Leonardo doesn't miss the authoritive tone in my voice. He slams the recorder back on the table and I swear one of his men flinch. 

Leonardo stalks up to me, his face mere inches from mine and I can smell garlic from his breath. Disgusting freak. 

"You think you can play games in my house with my men and me? Take a good look around you, kitten. Do you really think acting up now is a good idea?" He sneers. I snarl at the word 'kitten'. And I hate to admit that he's right. Thyme and I are outnumbered. Even with our best techniques, guns and knives, it will be difficult to get out of here. Acting up will only risk our lives and we can't afford that.

Leonardo notices my understanding. 

"That's right. So how about you put down that gun, kitten, and play with your ball of string, yeah?" 

I know his intent. I drop the gun and watch his lips curl into a smirk. Thyme does the same next to me. 4 of his men carefully walk towards us. 2 hold a gun at each of our heads while the other two pull out rope and tie our hands behind our backs. 

I've been trained for this kind of situation before. I know that they will try to torture us into giving them information. They will use everything that can. But I also know that at some point, we will be left with only 1 or 2 guards. Leonardo doesn't have the time to use all his men on me and Thyme.

We just need to wait. 

My guard shoves me forward and I try to memorise the face of the man holding the gun. He's the same one that I thought flinched earlier and looking closer now, he's quite young. His shaved skin, sharp jawline and bright blue eyes say he's in his twenties.

His brown hair falls on his forehead but it's not as long as Thyme's. He's clearly tried to get the messy look but it doesn't look as good as it does on Thyme. 

Ugh, great. Now I'm comparing men to him. Next I'll be dreaming of him. 

I roll my eyes.

The men push us through the broken door and I'm surprised 7 men- plus a giant- even fit in here. There's a small, single bed right in the middle, perfectly resort-style. It has two bedside tables on either side with nothing but a small reading lamp on each. There's a wardrobe opposite the bed. At the far end of the room is another door, which we are headed towards. The men yank it open and shove us inside. 

It's a torture room.

I've seen torture rooms in the simulators we needed to train in. Every torture room has the same base outline; an entire wall of weapons of all sorts, chairs and tables on the sides, metal chains hanging from the roof. This one isn't much different. On one wall, there's tools and weapons like hammers, knives, spanners and metal rods. In the centre are two chairs for two prisoners.

Two prisoners like me and Thyme.

The men throw us onto the chairs. My guard pulls my arms back so much that a scream threatens to break loose. He ties my wrists to the back legs of the chair and if I stretch my fingers, I can feel the floor. He moves to the front, twists my ankles behind the chairs' legs and ties them up as well.

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