Chapter 3: Money Money Money

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Warning: This chapter contains mild, offensive language. Read at your own risk.

Chapter 3:

 The tall dark skyscraper looms over me with the letters 'SSI' in big, glowing letters right at the top. To the everyday citizens it's known as the Superficial Sovereignity Institute. But to me and other agents? It's Sedentary Secluded Institute. No one other than the agents and the ministers are allowed to know the truth about the SSI.

Here, all documents found are top secret and the  agents are best of the best. Luckily, we don't have to do any digging up of information about our targets. We just get given the information and finish the job.

At the age of 22, I haven't been promoted a higher rank yet and honestly I don't want it. My life is perfect as it is right now. A steady flow of $1000 per job, a shared, rented apartment and a social life. What more could a single girl want?

I walk down the long, bright corridors, fitted with too many LED lights for my liking. Workers are rushing to finish off the last of their work and get home by 10:00. I walk out of the elevator on the 89th floor and nobody notices as I slip through the 'staff only' door.

I walk over to the large, heavy double doors fitted with fingerprint and an iris scanner. I place my thumb on the small touchpad and bend over to bring my right eye to the little camera just above. A bright red light blinds me momentarily before I compose myself and walk through the unlocked doors. Only agents and the ministers are able to go beyond those doors, so no staff in this building knows what this instutue truely is. 

My blonde hair bobs on my shoulders as I have my 'celebrity' walk down to the second level of security. Lasers block my path from all angles. They are so close together, it's impossible to get through unless if you can turn into slime. The sizzling sounds make it clear that they are able to shock any living being that makes contact with them. Of coarse, by making contact, they will also send an emergency alarm throughout the building and dozens of security guards will appear within the span of 2 minutes. 

I sigh and place my pinky finger on the little touchpad to my right. The lasers instantly disappear but I know I don't have long. I've got 5 seconds to run across the 20 metres between me and that door to be able to make it out in one piece. But I'm an agent. I'm built for this shit. 

I sprint. Even with the coat knocking my knees, I don't lose speed. 

2 seconds to spare. 

The last and final door. God, they are really overprotective of a bunch of paper. Honestly, they should just build a separate way of getting in for us agents.

Bypassing the final level of security, I'm led to the usual long, dark corridor filled with doors on each side. There's less LED lights, making me more comfortable. Though it gives off 'torture room' vibes. Shivers run down my spine as I approach the 25th door on the right. 

Unit 25

How boring. I knock once and barge in a split second later. There is nothing much in the room. Even more boring. It's honestly shocking how these people don't suffer from depression. A man sits behind a single grey desk. Joseph White. Middle aged man armoured with power. A minister of the SSI. My boss. 

"Keira. Always a pleasure to witness your charming face." He smirks, forming wrinkles around his mouth. Pervert. 

"What have I told you about mentioning my name?" I stride in and sit on the chair across from him. 

His blue eyes gleam in response.

"Oh, so now you've forgotton your formalities as well, have you? Don't forget that I am your boss, Angel." 

I mirror his smirk. "Right, boss, Joshua has been cleaned off, no traces were left, and I was out of the building exactly 5 minutes after entering. I trust that you have taken care of the rest?"

"Of coarse," the playful tone is gone and I know we're all business now. "Thank you for your hard work today, I have transferred the money already and you are free to go home."

I give a curt nod and attempt to hide my smile as I walk out. Such an easy job for so much money. Sure, it gets my hands dirty and I might end up in hell but its better than sitting in a office for 8 hours to get $100 per day. 

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