Chapter 8: The Mission is a Go

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Previous Chapter:

I open up my laptop and the first thing I type into google is map of Italy.

If I'm going to have to go to a foreign country, I might as well try to familiarise myself with its cities and streets.

I sit there, for god knows how long, staring into the blue of the screen and ignoring the deafening silence threatening to swallow me whole, ignoring the lump in my throat of the upcoming fear. I don't even realise when I've dozed off and the next thing I know, sunlight is spilling through the windows and the sounds of cars fill the silence of the morning.

PLEASE NOTE: The following chapter may make readers feel like a country is being insulted but please note that the author does not believe in what is written. Please keep in mind that the author respects all cultures, religions, ethnicities, and other, and that this is just a made-up story. Thank you.

Warning: The following chapter contains mild offensive language. 

Chapter 8:

It's 24th April and I'm standing in light denim shorts and an oversized, black Nike shirt with a black suicase that Joseph White has just handed me from the boot of his black Mercedes. I remind myself why I'm standing in front of the airport with a boarding pass and a fake passport in my hands. I remind myself that from this second onwards, I'm Rose. I remind myself that Ria is waiting for me in the SSI owned apartment so I cannot, I will not, die in this god forsaken country of mafia's and stupid secret weapons. 

"Rose. I trust that you understand the importance of the mission and what needs to be done. I will help you as best as I can from here, based on the reports you will give me, but most of the brain work will be up to you. Yes, you will have your team but treat this as if you're by yourself. I don't know if they will even be helpful enough but it's all you've got so get as much information as you can." He sighs and bends his head, holding my shoulders in his shaky hands.

"Stay safe, alright? Make sure you don't talk to random strangers. Stay away from sketchy people, including your own team member if you think there is something wrong. Only choose hand-to-hand combat in last case scenarios, otherwise keep your weapons in handy 24/7. And make sure-"

"Alright, alright I get it old man. I won't die so can you please just relax?" I laugh despite the knot in my stomach and the lump in my throat. 

He gives a single nod and I know it's time for me to go. I don't look back as the sensor doors open at my approach, and close again, hiding my damp eyes. I can't be weak. For Ria. 


It's been 2 hours since the plane landed and it's 6:00pm in Italy right now. I booked a taxi which dropped me off at Hotel Artemide. Today's time hasn't totally been wasted on the flight so I can still go out and start searching for my team, who, according to Joesph's recent call, have already arrived since 6 in the morning. 

What a great impression, being the last one to arrive. 

Well, whatever. They're opinions are the least of my concern. 

I change into a white croptop and leave my shorts on, topping it off with a blue, light cardigan and white sneakers. I look like an Italy girl. Perfect. 

My tattoo is exposed as the wind teases my blonde curls as I walk through the streets. There's not nearly as much public as there is in America but I have to say, Rome is quite beautiful. It gives off a warm, country vibe with the cafes and cyclists, while also being full of happy, smiling people. 

But despite the beauty, it is massive. How the fuck am I supposed to find anyone? 

I sigh.

Maybe a drink will help.

I sit down at the nearest cafe with some name I can't pronounce or understand. It has outdoor tables with little umbrellas and I can't help but feel relaxed. A middle-aged man wearing a black apron and a red shirt with the cafe's logo walks up to me.

I look up from my menu and smile at him which he easily returns.

"Cosa vorrebbe ordinare, signora?"

My smile drops. What the fuck did he just say???

"Uh... um... I don't speak Italian, sorry. I only speak English." I stutter. Oh god. How embarrassing. 

His eyebrows draw together in confusion and he scratches his head.

"Mi spiace, non la capisco bene, signora."

Oh lord save me. 

He licks his lips in stress and I'm just about to leave before another man gently nudges the Italian waiter. 

Another waiter. This one is young, can't possibly be more than 25. He wears simple, black rimmed, round glasses and his hair is slicked neatly. I can't help but think of him as a nerd. A gorgeous nerd. He is pale. So pale that it looks almost abnormal. 

"Non preoccuparti. Prendero questo." He gently pushes the arm of the Italian waiter, who nods and leaves.

The young man turns to give me his attention, clapping his hands together in a professional manner.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?"

That's when I see it.

The small black bird, flying in a single spot. On his bulky right shoulder. A great start to my mission. 

I smile.

"I'd like 2 cocktails, please." I prop my elbows on the table and rest my chin on my hands, watching him with amusement. 

Confusion flashes in his eyes for a brief moment before his eyes start searching my body, landing on the bird on my waist. 

His smile softens his features and gives him a baby face as he says, "certainly ma'am."

He reappears 5 minutes later, in dark shorts and a beige sleeveless top, displaying his tattoo. He places the two drinks opposite each other and takes a seat in front of me.

"So... a waiter?" I question his job while sipping at my cocktail. 

He lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah... it's temporary. Until I find my team you see." He has a slight accent but I can't place from where. He takes a sip of his drink. 

This is a bit awkward. What are we supposed to say?

"So," he folds his hands on the table. "Where are you from?"


"Ahh, that explains the tone of your english."

"And you?"


"You speak Italian though?" 

"Of coarse! Spanish and Italian are quite similar, and I was also given training from home before I arrived."

Confusion hits me hard and fast. 


"Uh.. Yeah? I thought all members of the team would have received training from home? I mean, surely, they can't expect us to go to a country without knowing it's language, right?" He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

He got training from the SSI but I didn't? Doesn't that mean that he would've known about the mission for a while? Not like me who was only told about it 4 days before departure. That's a bit odd. 

But I trust my agency. Whatever they are doing, it must be right. The whole world is depending on them. 

"Don't you think you're speaking a bit too much?" I glance at the other people around me, hoping he got what I was trying to say. 

"Oh, don't worry about eavesdropping. Barely anyone in this area knows English. But let's talk more at our hotel, shall we?" He stands and I follow him back to Hotel Artemide, not thinking too much about the possible mistake of the SSI.

But arriving at the room, I'm taken aback by finding a woman already sitting on a chair, reading a book without a care in the world.

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