Chapter 9: A Start to the Team

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Previous Chapter:

He got training from the SSI but I didn't? Doesn't that mean that he would've known about the mission for a while? Not like me who was only told about it 4 days before departure. That's a bit odd.

But I trust my agency. Whatever they are doing, it must be right. The whole world is depending on them.

"Don't you think you're speaking a bit too much?" I glance at the other people around me, hoping he got what I was trying to say.

"Oh, don't worry about eavesdropping. Barely anyone in this area knows English. But let's talk more at our hotel, shall we?" He stands and I follow him back to Hotel Artemide, not thinking too much about the possible mistake of the SSI.

But arriving at the room, I'm taken aback by finding a woman already sitting on a chair, reading a book without a care in the world.

Chapter 9:

I sit myself down on the single bed situated in the middle of the room. The room itself is exactly like the one I was given; a single bed, a small bedside table, a study table, a mini fridge, a chair, a small couch, a cupboard, and a massive window opening out into the city.

The woman is a different story. She completely opposes the warm vibe given off by the room. Her jet black hair is completely straight and stark against her pale skin, though not as pale as the waiter's. Her green eyes make her seem more cat-like and the elegance of the way she has her legs crossed on the chair contributes to it. It doesn't take me long to find the black bird on her outer, left thigh, just below her dress. 

She watched me with caution as I walked in but her eyes haven't left the bird on my waist since I sat down.

"This is Riley. I found her not long after I landed." The waiter closes the door and takes a seat on the couch.

Right, that makes things a lot easier for me. 2 already found, 3 more to go.

I give a small nod in her direction and she nods back, placing her book on the table before folding her arms, giving me her full attention.

"What's your name?" is her first question.

"Rose." I turn to the waiter. "You never did tell me your name."


"So, where are you from?" Riley's voice is toned with a bit of caution and I become more aware of the hidden knife strapped to my thigh.


"Hm, that explains the tone."

"Yeah? Not the first time I've heard that today." I glance at Mateo, a smile playing at my lips.

"France." I don't need to ask for Riley to answer my silent question.

"Mateo, how did you manage to find a job as a waiter in 6 hours?" The question did occur to me before but I hadn't got a chance to ask it.

"Haha, an excellent question," he reaches over to the mini fridge and takes out a can of coke. "But you needn't worry about that. It was only to supposedly bump into someone and it seems to have worked."

"Yes, it seems so." I smile. That's some luck he's got. Or maybe not. I don't believe in luck anymore. He must have had some tactic and I have no doubt I'll figure it out.

"You're quite the looker, aren't you?" I didn't realise that Riley had been examining me in the time that I talked to Mateo. Clearly she wants to know everything she can about her team before they find out anything about her. Smart. But won't work on me.

"I could say the same about you." I reply with a playful tone. "When are we going to find the other 3?"

"Right. We should head out now. I'll give you both my contact number and we should split up. It'll cover more ground. Once you find them, give me a call and I gather everyone up, sound good?" Mateo is up on his feet, already typing in his number in Riley's phone.

"Yep." I hand mine over and we're off to do more hunting.

Even though the streets of Italy are full of happy people, it doesn't change the fact that there are so many of them that look exactly the same to me. And not for the first time, I'm already feeling de-motivated to continue looking for the others. 

But I can't rely on Riley and Mateo. I need to treat this mission as if I'm alone and Joesph's words ring in my head. 

I've wasted a whole hour with Riley and Mateo and it's already 7:00pm. I need to find the others before the sun goes down or it will make the job a lot harder.


I walk through cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, beaches, gyms and literally anything that falls in my sight but I haven't seen any black birds yet. It's 8:00pm. I need a drink.

Italia Selvaggia is the name of the night club I walk into. For 8 pm, the place is bustling with people. Loud music booms in time with the flashing lights at the stage and pole dancers put on a show. Most people are either wearing dresses or loose clothing and I'm suddenly conscience about my outfit. I just strolled into a club wearing shorts and a croptop. Oh well, I'm only here for a drink.

I make my way to the bar and take a seat on the stool. 

"Champagne please." Let's pray the bartender knows English. I don't have a Mateo here to help me.

He nods and leaves. Thank god.

So many people everywhere. How do I find the other 3 idiots? Frustration rises and bubbles inside me.

Sipping on my champagne, I don't notice a stranger take a seat next to me.

"Ciao Bella." A deep, husky voice. He's a man. And he just said something in Italian. I don't know what the hell 'Bella' means but I know he just said hello. 

I don't even bother to glance at him as I say, "I only speak English".

Hopefully he'll think I'm an arrogant bastard and will just leave me alone.

"Haha, that's alright! I prefer English too."

I turn around to face him. He's young. Maybe 25? His unscathed face seems to shine even in this dark. His skin is tanned and his eyes are the darkest shade of blue I've ever seen. So dark that they look almost black. His hair is completely black and falls over his forehead in a messy yet hot way. He's gorgeous. No, he's hot. He sips at the red wine in his hands and I question his alcohol preferences. However, I think his looks make up for the flawed alcohol choice. 

He cocks an eyebrow at me. "Like what you see?" 

I instantly blush and look away. "No. I've seen much prettier men than you."

Lies. He is by far the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

A low chuckle rumbles out of him.

Too bad I'm on a mission or I would have definetely taken him to bed. 

He stands. He is tall. So, so tall. Looks like he's 6'0 at least. 

Disappointment fills me as I think that he's about to leave when he suddenly holds out his hand. 

"Would this beautiful lady care to take a walk with this not-so-pretty man?" He smirks. 

I'm dead. Or maybe I'm dying because he looks so hot when he smirks. I think this is what they call "love at first sight". 

I smile and take his hand. Just a small walk won't do any harm. 

Well, that's what I was thinking until I realised that he took me into a back alley with no other person in sight.

Code Name: RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora