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First Blade




ここは寒いです。 。 。


↪Douma was onto us.

There was no confirmation, but he was somehow getting creepier and creepier with each time he opened his mouth.

Tadashi had a permanent frown on his face, which helped keep some of his followers at a distance. But I was bombarded by the women of the cult, telling me how pretty I was, how they could introduce me to someone, how I would make such a beautiful bride.

"Thank you, Anaka-san." I said as the said woman complimented my beauty for the fortieth time.

"Were you ever betrothed?" Hishima asked. "Did your parents have a lasting agreement with anyone?"

It was common practice in this time-period for children to be betrothed to another at childhood by their families, and officiate the agreement around the age of fifteen. It was also why some men had several wives, one of agreement, and another of love. Tengen Uzui's clan, however, practiced polygyny. Which requires a man to have three wives at the age of fifteen.

Can I get three husbands? I mean, I'd take from the Hashira pool, but who else can I have?

I was too caught up in the possibility of marrying hot anime men that I hadn't heard Douma saying my name.

"Bring her to me~"

I was suddenly lifted by two men, ignoring my squeal of surprise as I immediately kicked to get out of their arms.

Tadashi looked ready to sink his claws into something, but with one warning look from me, he bit his lip and let himself be pushed back by a few other members.

"What're you doing?!" I yelped as I was passed along in a chain.

I tried to skitter away when I realized where I was heading, but a man had already plopped me into Douma's lap and backed away.

Everyone kept walking and talking as though this were nothing unusual. meanwhile I was trying to slow my rapid heart beat as I slowly raised my eyes to meet Douma, who was grinning.

"Forgive my forwardness." He said, reaching down to take my hand before reaching it to his lips. "This seemed like an easier way to communicate with you without my followers hoarding you to themselves."

He let out a humorless chuckle, and I gave him a cold smile.

"Well then, how may I help you?"

Douma's smile remained on his face but the air between changed, and I knew in that instant, Tadashi and I needed to get out of here. Tadashi had moved to walk beside us, and I knew he was listening in on everything. He was holding my bag, and my sword, tense as a cornered tiger.

Douma casually lifted me in his lap, my back facing him in his carried throne as we traveled through the forest. His arms were settled around my waist, his hands resting on the back of my ribcage, and it made my skin crawl at how relaxing it felt.

"It isn't unnatural for children to leave their homes at young ages. But you're just a bit too young. I can tell your parents are dead, and this grandfather of yours would more likely come to collect you instead of traveling on your own, wouldn't he?"

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