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First Blade






↪I made a split second decision.

"I need you to lay low for now." I had said to Akaza before we departed. "Don't use this against Douma, but he's put a lot on the line for me, but he let me go willingly. I'm not sure if you noticed a difference but he's not the same as he was before."

Akaza had shook his head puzzled.

"A few times he's gotten kinda quiet, but we figured that was because that man was yelling at him for letting you go. usually he takes it with a smile, but it was quite brutal." He'd said.

I'd refrained form sighing in relief.

Good. He's been okay.

"Douma may very well be on our side." I said. I'd caught Akaza rolling his eyes. "Hey. None of that. You want to make up for things? Settling things with Douma is one of the first things to do. Seek him out. Talk. I want actual results."

Akaza had sighed.

"And what about you?"

I had smiled.

"Well, it's not going to happen anytime soon, we will need time to prepare. I have my own allies and comrades that I need to collect." I said firmly. "You should as well. If you know of anyone who you know you can trust, take a chance on them. We'll need them."

Akaza frowned thoughtfully for a moment.

"You do realize if we're outed, it won't just be my head he'll come after, but yours too, right?"

I'd gave him such a deadly reassured smile that he flinched.

"I'm counting on it."


So now, I was currently watching Yasu bully Obanai.

"Come on! Even Rumi wasn't this bad-!"

"(Y/n)-chan is so much better, don't even insult her like that-!"

The two of them bickered and fought while Kagaya and I watched from a distance.

"Well. I know I asked Yasu for his help." I said pausing to take a sip of my tea. "But his one condition was to let him do as he pleased. I should've known."

"Look on the bright side." Kagaya said. "He will get better with speed. I mean, after all, look how you turned out-"

"Shut up, you conniving swan."

He hid his chuckling unsuccessfully in his cup of tea. His illness had set in at the end of last year. By now, it was just barely poking over his left eye. he could still sort of see from that eye, but he said it got pretty blurry. It was hard to watch, and he pretended it didn't bother him, but I could tell it did.

"Gyomei should be on his way back form Final Selection." I said, setting my cup down. "I need to make haste to Shinjuro soon as well. He said Ruka's contractions have been getting a little worse. I think it's time."

"You're sure they'll become slayers?"

"I know so." I said with a nod. "Kyojuro at least."

Kagaya nodded.

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