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First Blade





↪Alright, two things.

First thing, Tanaka was a fucking tease.

"What, you can't reach it?" "Come on little one, you can do it. Jump." "Aw, still can't get it?"

Like, this man had been the most gentle thing I'd ever met one second, and then the next, he was an ass!

"Tanaka, leave her alone." Hana had sighed as we headed down the hall. He had been dangling my bag above me, which had my kimono I needed to change into.

Second thing, Tanaka was also very hot shirtless.

"When I grow up, will you marry me?"

"Get out."

I'd walked in on him changing, but in my defense, he was in the living room. He hadn't been exactly changing either, just shaking out his robes and then putting them back on.

"Where's Gyomei?" Tadashi asked.

We hadn't seen the said boy at dinner, and we were sitting down in a rural room for tea.

"He heard we had visitors, so he's hiding." Hana sighed, setting a cup in front of me.

I frowned.

"Why is he hiding?" I asked.

No . . . is it because of his-

"Well, you see (Y/n)." Tanaka sighed. "Gyomei is blind."

Hana sat down beside me.

"He gets picked on from time to time by the other kids, here on the mountain and in the village. He doesn't really like going out, and he usually hides when there's guest and especially when there are other kids." She explained.

I scowled down at my hands which were clenched into fists in my lap.

Another era, another century, another life, and people are still treated like crap. It's so stupid. How can you expect anyone to respect you or be kind to you when they're getting bullied? That just makes Gyomei an even more wonderful person because of what he's endured.

Something perked in the corner of my eyes reaching for my shoulder, and fast as lightning, I snatched the wrist of the owner and prepared to punch them solidly in the guy when Tadashi grabbed my hand. It was just Hana going to pat my head.

"S-Sorry. You startled me." I immediately apologized, releasing her.

Her eyes were wide but she gave me as smile.

"No, it's my fault, I should've asked if you were okay with contact first."

"Can I meet Gyomei?" I asked, turning to Tanaka.

Tanaka hummed.

"I'm not sure he'll talk to you, but you can try. He might be either in the bonzai garden, or the south pavilion." Tanaka instructed. "The garden is straight down the hall and out the door on your left, and the south pavilion is going to be the opposite way."

"Stay here." I murmured to Tadashi while getting up.

Tadashi looked like he wanted to argue but one look from my 'don't you dare' face, and he snapped his mouth shut and turned his attention on Hana.

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