chapter 4

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  During my initial month at Uncle Muktar's residence, I had a delightful time. He frequently took us out, and he even bought me a plethora of clothing items. Fatima, on the other hand, always kept me company and showed me immense love and care. Conversely, Faiha never even acknowledged my presence, let alone speak to me. Aunty Maryam started giving me the silent treatment.

Uncle is now taking over my dad's business, and we have all settled in the living room. He will be leaving tomorrow, so he took the opportunity to lecture us. Fateema and I attentively listened to his words, while Faiha busied herself with her phone. Aunty was also engrossed in her device, illustrating the saying "like mother, like daughter."

After the lecture, he discussed our return to school. Fateema and I are in the same class, while Faiha will be in year one at the University of Maiduguri. It excited me to think that I would be attending the same school as Fatima. She smiled warmly at me.

We prayed for my late family and for our own. Then, we stood up to accompany Uncle Muktar outside. My dad's driver arrived to pick him up, and Aunty Maryam dragged his bag while the rest of us followed closely behind. Upon reaching the car, we gave him a heartfelt hug. I didn't realize I was shedding tears until they started rolling down my cheeks.

I was already beginning to miss him dearly. He was like a second father to me. He handed me an envelope, which I accepted with a smile. We all hugged him tightly and wished him a safe trip. Faiha was the only one who didn't cry, and even Aunty Maryam shed a few insincere tears.

I noticed that Faiha was Aunt's favorite, while fatima was Uncle's favorite. They drove away, and the gatekeeper closed the impressive gate behind them. Faiha and Aunty Maryam left us standing there and went back inside the house.

"I'm going to miss Uncle," I said, tears still in my eyes.

"Me too," she replied, wiping my tears away with her thumb.

"You're such a baby Jeedderh. Let's just hope for the best," she said, wearing a reassuring smile.

She held my hand, and we walked hand in hand to our room.

"Teema, why is it that you and Faiha aren't on good terms?" I asked her, as I sat on the bed.

"As you can see, she acts devilish, even though she's my sister. She's always favoring our mother, and that's why I don't like her," she explained, taking her phone out from the drawer.

I never liked her mother and that girl, Faiha. Like mother, like daughter, I thought. However, before I could continue my thoughts, she interrupted me.

"We'll be resuming school on Monday, girls," she announced, excitedly. She stood up, put her phone away, and started twirling around the room, dancing.

With a big smile on my face, I expressed my immense excitement as I anticipated the realization of my dream. "I cannot wait to be referred to as Nurse Hauwa Ahmed," I exclaimed.

Fatima, standing up from the bed, echoed her own anticipation. "I am eager to study medical laboratory," she shared with enthusiasm. "I cannot wait to see myself wearing my lab coat and working in a laboratory."

We celebrated our anticipation by dancing and twirling around the room together. After our little dance session, Fatima sat me down and inquired about our shopping plans. Holding my hand in hers, she asked, "So, Nurse Jidderh or Hauwa,, when shall we go for shopping?"

I stared at her, replying, "Anytime you are ready."

"Insha Allah, let's go on Saturday," she suggested.

Then, Fatima brought up a serious matter, saying, "You know, I have never had quality sister time with my sister nor cherished moments with my mother. Faiha values her school friends over family time. Our only great family moments were shared is with my dad, My dad was my best friend, my companion in happiness."she said with a wide smile...

Her words stirred emotions within me, and tears unknowingly streamed down my cheeks. "Jidderh," she called, bringing me back to the present moment. Fatima tenderly wiped away my tears and uttered, "I am sorry. Let's change the topic."

With tears still in my eyes, I expressed my gratitude towards Fatima. "Thank you so much, Teema. You mean everything to me. I appreciate the love and care you have shown me."

"There's no need to thank me. What are sisters for?" she replied with a smile.

"Please, stop crying," she urged.

I nodded, taking in her kindness. "Fatima, you are so kind to me. I don't know what I would do without you," I said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Die," she responded, bursting into laughter.

I joined in the laughter, and amidst our amusement, my gaze caught sight of a beautiful jotter. Impulsively, I stood up from the bed and grabbed it. "Can you give this to me so that I can use it as my diary?" I requested, still fixated on the jotter.

"Sure, but remember, I will always be your secret keeper," she said, giving me a puppy-eyed look.

"You are my everything, Teema," I whispered, hugging her tightly.


"Mom," I called, opening her bedroom door. I found her coming out from the toilet.

"Yes, darling," she said, taking a seat on her bed.

"We need to discuss about Jidderh," I said, my tone serious.

"What about her?" Aunt Maryam asked, looking at me intently.

"You know, she cannot be like us. She cannot study in the same school as Fatima. Although I do not appreciate some of Fatima's behavior towards me, she is still my sister," I confessed.

Aunt Maryam pondered her daughter's suggestions, when suddenly an idea struck her...

"My dearest Faiha, I must agree with you wholeheartedly. It would be best for her to remain at home and assist me in the household chores, especially considering our lack of a maid. I will not enroll her in school. All the resentment I have towards her mother will now be directed at her. Her father, being wealthier than my husband, only cares about himself. I will make her existence a true nightmare; she will come to regret her decision to stay here," she concluded her statement with a wicked smile.

"Mum, that's a brilliant plan. Dad always favors her now. He no longer treats us as he did before. He takes her out shopping, even purchasing an iPhone 11 for her. And that envelope he gave her before leaving, I suspect it contains money. When was the last time he took us shopping? Look at our phones: mine and Fatima's are iPhone 9, while yours and his are iPhone 10. Mum, she has stolen my happiness and now she wishes to steal dad away from us. He has truly changed," ......she said, expressing her jealousy and anger as she comforted her mother.

"You are absolutely right, my dear. Do not worry; I will handle her," Aunt Maryam assured her.

"Let us proceed to the living room," she declared, rising from the bed and retrieving her phone from the drawer.

I followed behind her, overflowing with joy...

Here is chapter 4

What do you guys think about jeedderh ?..

Faiha is up to something dan dan dan......

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Kenzie love you all😘

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