chapter 14

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"But auntie, why are you sending me to work as a maid? What have I done?" I said through tears, feeling emotional and confused.

"Will you shut up? Do you think I will accommodate you forever?" Aunty Maryam snapped, standing up and facing me.

"But Mom, why?" Fatima asked, joining her mother.

"Stay out of this, before I confront you," Aunty Maryam sternly warned Fatima.

"How would Dad feel if he knew you were sending Jidderh off to work as a maid?" Fatima protested with tears in her eyes...

Faiha, who had been engrossed with her phone, set it down on the sofa and stood up to join us.

"Fatima, do you have the audacity to question Mom?" she asked, her eyes piercing.

"I know you're the reason behind this," Fatima said through gritted teeth.

"Whatsoever, and after all, she will work as a maid," Faiha uttered, rolling her eyes.

I stood there, crying and staring at them, feeling the weight of the situation sinking in. "Me, Jidderh, to go and work as a maid?" I asked myself, feeling lost and vulnerable.

Aunty Maryam pushed me away and left angrily.

Wiping away my tears, I realized that crying couldn't change anything.

I could see the excitement in Faiha's eyes as she picked up her phone and walked to her room, making fun of me as she went.

I was left with Fatima, I could see the pity in her eyes. We both returned to the kitchen to finish the cooking.

"Jidderh, I'm so sorry you have to go through this," Fatima said as she arranged the tray.

"Don't worry, it's my destiny, so I accept it with both hands," I responded, grabbing the food flask and heading to the dining table.

We finished arranging the table and proceeded towards our room. Along the way, I noticed Aunty Maryam emerging from her room, engrossed in her phone.

We halted in our steps upon overhearing her say, "Hajjiya Rukaiya mentioned that she won't be able to come. Cux She hopped on a flight back, but she will be sending her driver tomorrow morning," Aunty Maryam explained.

"Alright, Aunty," I managed to respond.

" But mum why will you"
Before Fatima could complete her sentence,

Aunty Maryam abruptly interjected, "Fatima, not now. I've heard enough from you," she said and hastily walked away.

We swung the door open and entered the room.

"Fatima, are you okay?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

"No, Mum has been mistreating you, and now she wants to send you off to work as a maid," she replied, sitting next to me.

I wiped away her tears, trying to remain composed, but deep down, it hurt.

She hugged me tightly.

"Do you remember what you said the other day? That Allah loves those who are patient?" I reminded her.

She nodded, releasing from the hug.

"Let's endure patience, okay? I promise to call you every day," I said, standing up from the bed.

"I will never forget you, Teema," she replied with puppy eyes.

"Me too, Fatima. You're everything to me," I said, pulling out my clothes from the closet.

"Now come and help me so that I can pack," I added, my voice filled with hurt.

She stood up and helped me pack my clothes.

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