chapter 18

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I rushed to the kitchen, quickly placed a glass of juice on a tray, and ran back to the sitting room. As I approached her, I accidentally let out an exasperated comment about her constant TV watching, and as a result, I ended up spilling some of the juice onto the carpet and her clothes.

In the blink of an eye, she stood up, slapped me across the face, In that moment, the room fell silent, the air was thick with tension as I looked up at Na'ima, tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

"How many times have I warned you to always pay attention when doing something?" she questioned, giving me a dead glare.

Just as the tension was escalating, Hajjiya Rukaiya appeared at the scene, descending from the stairs.

"Na'ima, what is going on here?" she inquired, stepping in to defuse the situation.

"Ammi, can you imagine she poured juice on me," Na'ima said, pointing at her clothes.

I stood there, staring at her without uttering a word, feeling the sting of the slap and the rush of emotions.

Hajjiya Rukaiya swiftly took charge of the situation, reprimanding Na'ima for her behavior.

"Just because she poured juice on you, that is why you will slap her? How dare you!" she reprimanded her daughter, her voice firm with anger.

"Now, apologize," she demanded of Na'ima.

Na'ima, feeling guilty and conflicted, muttered a faint apology and hurried upstairs, her footsteps echoing through the house.

I could hear the frustration in Hajjiya Rukaiya's voice as she complained about the situation, and I reassured her that it was okay, making my way to the kitchen to clean up the mess. As I re-entered the sitting room, Hajjiya Rukaiya called me over and reassured me that she would speak to Na'ima and ensure that such incidents never occurred again.

I appreciated Hajjiya Rukaiya's understanding and kindness.

"I want to see you two getting along together," she suggested, showing her desire for harmony in the household.

As I sat down with her, she shared more about her family dynamics, and I listened attentively, empathizing with her struggle.

Once I had finished my tasks, I retreated to my room and poured out my feelings into my jotter, silently crying over the unfair treatment.


Meanwhile, Hajjiya Rukaiya, a strong-willed woman with a determined spark, rose from her seat in the elegant sitting room and embarked on a mission to her daughter's room. Deep down, she harbored a burning desire to transform her children, her once beloved darlings who had now become insufferable spoiled brats. If only she could rewind time and rewrite their upbringing! Alas, she knew such a feat was impossible.

In a bold move, she decided to redirect her frustration towards her husband, the lenient enabler of their unruly behavior. Pinning the blame on him seemed like the only way to bring change, although deep inside, she knew it wouldn't alter everything.

Gathering her resolve, Hajjiya Rukaiya pushed aside her conflicting thoughts and firmly rapped on Na'ima's door, ready to confront the source of her frustrations head-on...


Na'ima, who had been locked away in her room, tears streaming down her face after an unfortunate incident involving a maid, suddenly heard a knock on the door. She assumed it was Jidderh, and her anger simmered as she prepared to confront her. With a mixture of apprehension and irritation, she swung open the door, only to be taken aback by finding her mother on the other side.

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