chapter 31

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Muhammad stepped into his room and locked the door behind him. As he settled on the couch, he picked up the diary and flipped to the first page, where Jidderh's heartbreaking account of her parents' passing left him in a daze. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he found himself lost in a wave of emotions, unable to comprehend how Jidderh could handle a life without her beloved parents

"I can't endure a day without ammi and baba and she has to bear this loss forever," he murmured, wiping away his tears. His empathy for Jidderh was palpable, and he couldn't shake off the haunting sadness that engulfed him.

Turning the page, he encountered the distressing tale of Jidderh's mistreatment at the hands of her cruel aunt, Maryam. Shock and disbelief coursed through him. "How could anyone be so heartless?" he muttered, his sympathy for Jidderh evident in his pained expression. Determined to push past the raw emotions, he delved deeper into her diary, feeling an overwhelming urge to reach out to her and offer his unwavering support.

As he read on, his perception of Jidderh began to shift, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the revelation of her secret feelings for him. It was a bittersweet realization, and he continued to read, his heart heavy with compassion for the trials she had endured.....

His mind flashed back to what Naima had said, "She deserves to be happy." Naima was right; she deserved to find happiness after everything she had been through.

"Ya Allah, forgive me for threatening her that way. I never knew," he prayed silently, feeling a pang of remorse for his past behavior.

"What should I do? Should I call Umar?" he pondered, considering seeking advice from his friend.

"No, let me return the diary before she catches me with it," his subconscious warned. He decided to sneak back to her room and return the diary, peeking through the window to ensure she was still occupied before hastily retreating to his room. He then pulled out his phone and dialed Umar's number. After two rings, Umar answered.

"Ango, is today the day you feel like calling me?" Umar chuckled.

"Not really. I just called you to discuss something very important," Muhammad replied, his tone serious.

"Okay, hope all is well," Umar inquired, sensing the gravity of the situation.

Muhammad sighed and said, "I never knew Jidderh had been through so much in her life."

"So, you never knew?" Umar asked, surprised by this revelation.

"Do you know that I have been giving her attitude since we got married? It's only today that I read her diary, and I was shocked and felt sorry for her," Muhammad confessed.

"What? Don't tell me all this time you two haven't been on good terms," Umar asked, concerned....

"Oh, that's absurd! You have to do more than just try, Muhammad. You have to make an effort to bring her happiness, to take away her worries. Remember, she's a trust given to you. Don't let your ego get in the way," Umar urged with a tone of seriousness.

Muhammad nodded, feeling a weight of responsibility settle over him. "I will, Insha'Allah. I'll do my best," he promised.

"You better, because she's your wife," Umar jested lightly.

"Alright, Insha'Allah. Thank you, bro," Muhammad expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome. I'll be leaving next week for my master's. I'll see you before then. Bye," Umar informed him.

"Ok, I'll see you. Bye," Muhammad bid farewell as the call ended. He lay on his bed, contemplating how to make things work out.

At the backyard,

, "I think your brother doesn't like me."i confess.....

"I know, right. But I believe it's just a matter of time. With time, he'll start loving you," Naima reassured her.

"I pray so," i said, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Naima reached out and held my hand, offering comfort. "Don't worry, everything will be alright," she promised.

I nodded, appreciating the support. "Let's go inside," Naima suggested.

As we made our way to the sitting room, Naima excused herself, and i headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch, determined to channel my emotions into something positive...

Naima went to the room she closed the door behind she brought out her phone and dial ammi's number after 3ring she pick...

"Assalamu Alaikum princess," Hajjiya Rukaiya said as she answered the phone.

"Wa alaikum salam ammi, how was your day going?" Naima asked.

"Fine alhmdlh. How is Jidderh and Bashir doing?" Hajjiya inquired.

"They are fine, but I called to inform you that Ya Moh and Jidderh are not on good terms," Naima said with concern in her voice.

"Did they fight?" Hajjiya asked, clearly surprised.

"No, Ya Moh has been giving Jidderh attitude since they got married," Naima explained.

"What?" Hajjiya exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

Naima narrated everything that was happening, and Hajjiya Rukaiya was surprised. She promised to come and see for herself and at the end of the call, Naima felt happy, and she ran downstairs to help Jidderh with cooking.

After they finished cooking and setting the table, Naima made her way to Ya Moh's room to call him for dinner.

"What do you want again?" he asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Food is ready, let's go and eat," she said, smiling.

"Ok, I'm coming," he replied, standing up and leaving what he was doing.

They all settled at the dining table and began to eat, the only sound in the room was the clinking of cutlery. After they'd finished, Muhammad went to the sitting room and switched on the news, while Jidderh and Naima cleared the table and then went to wash the dishes in the kitchen, engrossed in lively discussion..

Muhammad heard a knocking and to his surprise, it was Hajjiya Rukaiya. He welcomed her warmly and gestured for her to come in. Naima heard Muhammad welcoming Ammi, and both Jidderh and Naima went to greet her. After exchanging greetings, Hajjiya Rukaiya cleared her throat.

"I am here to take Jidderh since that's how you have been treating her," Hajjiya Rukaiya said, giving Muhammad a stern look.

"What happened?" he quickly asked, surprised written all over his face.

"Are you asking me?" she said, and both Jidderh and Naima kept quiet.

Muhammad opened his mouth to speak, but Hajjiya Rukaiya interrupted him, "Whenever you make up your mind, you will come and take her. I even told you to enroll her in school, but you haven't," she inquired.

"Ammi, I was planning to," he defended himself.

"I am very disappointed in you, Bashir. It's not the training I gave you," she scolded angrily.

"Ammi..." he started to talk but was once again stopped by Hajjiya Rukaiya, "Go and pack your clothes, Jidderh, so that we can leave," she said.

Jidderh stood up and went upstairs to pack her clothes, while Naima could feel that it was all part of Ammi's plan. She was surprised but kept quiet.

"Ammi, I am very sorry," he apologized.

"Sorry for yourself. Whenever you make up your mind, you will come and take her," she replied firmly.

As they packed and came downstairs, they saw Ammi and Ya Moh talking. After Ammi noticed them, she said they should go, and they all left for her house.

Muhammad knew it was Naima's plan. He took his phone and called Umar, telling him everything. Umar advised him to go and apologize so that he could take his wife back and start afresh.

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Kenzie love you all 💓

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