chapter 30

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The next day, Muhammad woke up to the sound of the adhan, calling him to prayer. After returning from the mosque, he made his way straight to his room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he found himself lost in deep thought. He grappled with the knowledge that he had acted less than admirable as a husband on the very first night of their nikah, scolding and frightening her. He made a resolution to deal with her differently in the future. Why would she accept this marriage, he pondered. His irritation grew as he contemplated that she was simply their maid. Why had his parents asked him to marry a maid? Now, resigned to the fact that they would spend the rest of their lives together, he muttered, "But I will never fall for her," gritting his teeth.

Standing up, Muhammad went about his morning routine, reflecting on the fact that he wished he had married for love, not simply convenience. As he looked into the mirror, he sprayed on cologne, silently yearning for a different life. Gathering his phone and necessities, he left the room and ascended the stairs, heading straight to the dining area. His search for food proved fruitless, and he wondered where his meal was. Frustrated, he set everything down on the table, and made his way to Jidderh's room, determined to confront her. With resolve, he knocked firmly on the door.....

After the morning prayer, I decided to take a short nap, but ended up sleeping deeply. I was awakened from my slumber by the sound of someone knocking on the door. At first, I thought it was just a dream, but the knocking persisted. I quickly got up and opened the door, only to find Ya Moh standing there, dressed in a beautiful outfit. He looked incredibly handsome, and I couldn't help but stare at him in awe. Just as I was lost in my thoughts, he broke the silence by asking,

"Why are you looking at me like that? And by the way,  Where is my food?"he thunder....

I was terrified and managed to stammer, "I decided to sleep after subhi prayer, but sleep overpowered me..."

Before I could finish my sentence, he interrupted with a stern tone, "Serve your explanation! If you ever sleep after subhi prayer without cooking my food, I will confront you nonsense!"

Feeling remorseful, I quickly managed to utter, "I am so sorry."

He let out a loud sigh of exasperation and walked away, leaving me standing there, unsure of what to do next. I couldn't help but wonder, "Ya Allah, is this how I am going to spend the rest of my life?"More tears streamed down my cheeks as I retreated to my room, aching to wash away the hurt. I decided to take a soothing bath and don a beautiful attire before making my way downstairs to take in the splendor of the house. Standing in the kitchen, captivated by its stunning design, a knock on the door prompted me to open it, only to find Naima standing there with a food flask in hand. Relieved, I welcomed her in and assisted with the food, feeling grateful that she had brought something to eat. We settled in the sitting room, glad to share a moment of peace ...

"Thank you for coming, Naima," I greeted her with a warm smile as I ushered her into the house.

"I'm doing well, thank you. And everyone at home is doing great, extending their greetings," Naima responded, her smile lighting up the room.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Naima asked, "So, where's Ya Moh?"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. "He's at work right now," I replied, trying to steady my racing thoughts.

As we engaged in lively conversation, the time seemed to fly by. Reluctantly, I escorted Naima to her car as she prepared to head home. Once I returned to the house, I indulged in the meal she brought before deciding to relax and watch a movie. However, as I cleared the dishes, worrying thoughts about Ya Moh's well-being flooded my mind.

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