chapter 33

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I stood there, unable to tear my gaze away from his undeniable handsomeness. "If you're done checking me out, can we talk?" he said with that deep, resonant voice that made me feel a little flustered.

I felt embarrassed by my obvious scrutiny of him, and I sheepishly beat my forehead before opening the door and allowing him to come inside. He sat on my bed, and I quietly closed the door before taking a seat next to him. We both sat in quiet for a few minutes, unsure of who should speak first.

"If you don't have anything to say, I have something to do," I said shyly, feeling slightly uneasy.

Muhammad seemed like he wanted to react, his ego possibly getting in the way, but he composed himself and said, "I'm here to apologize. I'm very sorry for threatening you, Jidderh."

I was taken aback. Mister Arrogant was here to apologize. I felt my heart swell with happiness at his words..

"Apologize?" I blurted out, surprised by his sudden sincerity.

"Yes, I'm very sorry. I feel guilty for my mistake. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I promise not to repeat myself," he said with genuine emotion in his voice...

I remained silent, unsure of what emotions were welling up inside me. Was it happiness? Confusion? I found myself lost in thought when suddenly, he took hold of my hand, surprising me. My face revealed my astonishment as I continued to gaze at him, unable to break eye contact.

"Please, jidderh, your silence is tormenting me. Say something. I'm deeply sorry, and I promise to do whatever it takes to make things work between us. Please trust me," he pleaded earnestly, his eyes locked with mine.

As a rush of feelings washed over me, I couldn't help but blush. In that moment, I couldn't quite grasp exactly what I was feeling, but there was something undeniably sincere in his eyes that spoke to me....

I opened my mouth and spoke, "We are all human, we make mistakes. I forgive you, ya moh." Even though I wanted to smile, I pressed my lips together to hide my joy from him.

Surprised by my forgiveness, he realized that I was a kind-hearted girl with a pure soul. "Um, tomorrow, can I come and pick you up after your last exam? I hope everything went well," he asked nervously.

"Alhamdulillah, we're doing our best with the help of ya umar," I replied, grateful for the support we were receiving.

Wishing me success and expressing his gratitude for my forgiveness, he stood up, bid me farewell, and left. As soon as he was out of sight, a surge of exhilaration washed over me, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I broke into a spontaneous dance, twirling and pacing around the room, overflowing with gratitude. "Ya Allah, thank you for this incredible turn of events," I whispered, offering my silent prayers of gratitude. Unable to contain my joy, I quickly dialed Fatima's number and shared every detail with her. Her excitement matched mine, and together we celebrated the remarkable day that unfolded before me.

Naima entered the room, and I excitedly shared all the details with her. She was overjoyed, and we spent the entire day chatting and laughing together. As night fell, we decided to revise our books together, supporting each other in our studies. Finally, we couldn't fight the exhaustion any longer, so we fell asleep, comforted by each other's presence.

The next morning, we woke up early, feeling refreshed. There was no need to worry about chores or cooking because Ammi had hired a new maid. We quickly got ready for school, adrenaline rushing through our veins. After completing our last exam, our driver arrived to pick us up. We returned home by 4pm, where we were greeted by Ammi, Ya Umar, and Ya Moh. They inquired about our last paper, and we happily shared our experiences. Overwhelmed with a sense of relief, we headed to my room to change, basking in the memories of the day..

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