chapter 9

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The door open revealing Faiha standing by the open door. Suddenly, her gaze fell upon the money scattered across the floor.

My heart began to race as I realized I was in deep trouble. I stood there, feeling foolish.

Walking towards me, Faiha gasped, her mouth hanging open.

"Where did you get all this money?" she inquired, fixating her gaze on the floor.

"" Filled with fear, I managed to stammer a response, but my voice failed me.

Before I could finish my sentence, she burst into shouts.

"Mum, mum, mum!" she shouted out.

Aunty maryam who was sitting majestically and watching TV ,heard faiha shouting her name ......

came rushing into the room, opening the door and stepping inside.

"You won't believe what happened, I caught a thief," Faiha exclaimed,

picking up the money from the ground. Aunty Maryam's eyes widened in shock as she uttered the word "money."

Approaching me, Aunty Maryam took hold of my ears.

"Where did you acquire this money?" she demanded, pressing on my ears, causing me pain.

Standing there like a fool, I began to sob.

Faiha went On her knees,gathered all the money, counting it carefully. To her surprise, it totaled 40k.

"40k!" she exclaimed.

Turning to me, she questioned,

"Where did you obtain this money? Did you steal it?" Aunty Maryam continued to press my ears, waiting for an answer.

All of a sudden, faiha burst out, claiming that her money had gone missing, as she stared at me.

My astonishment was immense. I couldn't believe that faiha, of all people, could be lying, I silently thought to myself.

In response, Aunty Maryam began to strike me, causing me to lose control and shout.

Seated on the balcony, deep in her thoughts, Fatima heard jidderh's scream and immediately sprang to her feet, rushing to their room.

Filled with worry, Fatima inquired, "What's happening?"

Faiha, with a serious tone, revealed,

"You won't believe it, but jidderh stole my money."

I couldn't trust my own ears, and I attempted to defend myself.

"I swear by Allah, Faiha, it's my money," I exclaimed, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You're such a liar, you little thief," she retorted, raising her hand as if to slap me.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impending slap on my cheek.

But, in that moment, I witnessed Fatima intervening, gripping Faiha's hand firmly.

In my mind, I experienced a sense of relief, acknowledging Fatima as my savior....

"Do you recall, Fatima, when you'r dad was on a trip and he handed me an envelope?", I confidently inquired....

"Yes," she replied, nodding in agreement...

However, both my aunt and Faiha doubted our words...

"Maybe Jidderh mentioned that she would give Fatima some money, which is why she believes her," Faiha suggested...

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