chapter 27

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As for Muhammad, he remained silent, unable to believe his ears because he never expected to get married at this time.

"Why are you silent?" Hajjiya Rukaiya asked.

"But Ammi, why should I get married now? Let's wait a little until I start working," Muhammad suggested.

"Wait for what, Bashir? Your dad is coming over. Just prepare yourself," she replied, sounding serious..

Muhammad sat there, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through his mind, leaving him speechless. The intensity of his emotions made his heart beat faster, unsure of what to feel in that moment.

"Um, Jidderh, about your schooling, we'll have to wait until after your marriage to enroll you," she said.

"Okay," i managed to utter, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Alright, you can both leave now. That's all I wanted to inform you," she said, her tone slightly dismissive...

As I stood up, determined to make my way to my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of mystery lingering in the air. Closing the door behind me, I heard a peculiar sound, like a door being dragged open. Surprised, I turned around and found Muhammad emerging from his room. His eyes met mine, filled with an intense glare, and he let out a hiss before storming off to his own room. I shook my head, trying to shake off the strange encounter.

Leaving for my room, I swung the door open with a sense of curiosity. As it closed behind me, I embarked on a journey of culinary exploration. But before I indulged in creating a masterpiece in the kitchen, I reached for my trusted jotter. As the pen danced across the pages, pouring out my thoughts and ideas, I felt a surge of inspiration. Finishing the task at hand, I returned to the heart of the house, ready to continue with the enticing art of cooking.....


Aunty Maryam was engrossed in a lively chat with her daughter in the living room while Fatima worked up a storm in the kitchen, preparing a delicious meal for them. As the mouthwatering aroma of the dinner filled the air, Fatima swiftly set the dining table and called them over to enjoy their meal together.

The family sat down to eat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. When dinner was over, Fatima returned to her room while Aunty Maryam settled in to watch TV with Faiha.

After a while, Fatima picked up her phone and dialed Jidderh's number. It rang, but she didn't pick up. As she lay down, lost in thought, she was jolted back to reality by the sound of a message popping up on her phone. Surprised, she saw it was a message from her dad. She decided to call him back and put the call on loudspeaker.

"Hello, Dad," she said, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Hello, my princess, how are you doing?" her dad asked warmly.

"I'm fine, but it's been a while. I've missed you," she said, a hint of longing in her voice.

"I've been busy lately. How are your mum and sister doing?" he inquired.

"They're all fine. And what about your end?" she asked, curious.

"We're all doing fine, too, how is jidderh to?... I tried calling your mother, but she didn't pick up. Can you pass the phone to her?" her dad asked eagerly.

As her father mentioned Jidderh, Fatima's heart raced. How would she explain the situation to her father? For a moment, she was lost in her thoughts. However, her father's voice brought her back to reality, prompting her to manage a response.

"Okay," she uttered, gathering her thoughts as she made her way to the living room.

" Dad wants to talk to you," Fatima said, passing Aunty Maryam the phone.

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