chapter 19

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"OMG, I can't believe it's you, feesa," Naima said, smiling widely.

"Yes, it's me, baby girl," Nafeesa responded.

"When did you arrive in Nigeria? I have missed you," Naima said, making a puppy face as if she could see her.

"I arrived yesterday," Nafeesa said.

"When should I expect you, then?" Naima asked.

"Maybe tomorrow morning. By the way, how is everyone at home, and what about my crush? Is he in town?" Feesa asked

"We are all fine, alhamdulillah. But your crush will probably come back in a few days," Naima said as she descended the stairs.

"Okay, until I come, baby girl. I have something to do, so I gotta go," Nafeesa said, bidding her goodbye before the call ended.

My curiosity piqued, I was anxious to know who Nafeesa was as I started descending the stairs, following behind Naima.

And we entered the kitchen, I put the cleaning tools back in their place,

We made Hajjiya Rukaiya cooking.

"Mum, you can't believe it, Nafeesa is back! She said she will be coming tomorrow," Naima said with excitement in her voice.

"Her mom only told me she will be back soon, but I didn't expect her this soon," Hajjiya Rukaiya said as she continued cooking.

"Okay, let's continue cooking, girls. Alhaji will be here soon," Hajjiya Rukaiya announced.

Naima groaned, saying, "Ammi..."

"You, this girl, you don't like working. I don't know who will go and cook for you when you get married," Hajjiya Rukaiya teased her daughter.

Just then, she excused herself and went to take a bath, leaving everything under our care.

Naima and I finished cooking and arranged the table. As we were doing so, she started telling me about Nafeesa.

"I know you must be curious about who Nafeesa is," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes as we arranged the table.

I nodded, prompting her to continue, and she began with enthusiasm.

"Let me start by saying her dad and my dad are not just best friends—they are also business partners. Nafeesa and I have been inseparable best friends since childhood; we did everything together. We even attended the same school, though she's a year older than me. Whenever they'd visit while on vacation, it was like a second family coming over. Nafeesa is currently studying abroad, and, get this, she has a little crush on Ya Moh. Sometimes I playfully tease her about being my future sister-in-law," she said, chuckling as she settled into her chair.

I listened, puzzled by the mention of Ya Moh, unable to process the sudden rush of emotions.

"Sorry, I know you don't know Ya Moh. He's the person whose picture caught your eye when we were tidying up dad's room. He's the first and only son of the family, and he's been abroad for four years. Actually, he's returning soon," she added.

As she spoke, a pang of unease settled in my heart

I was keen to know more about Ya Moh and Nafeesa, and the words slipped out of my mouth before I could even think twice. "Does Ya Moh know about Nafeesa's feelings for him?" I blurted.

Na'ima got up from her chair with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"He has no idea. Only I know, but I'm planning to play matchmaker and hook them up. Just waiting for the right moment," she said, her voice full of excitement, but before she could finish, we heard Hajjiya Rukaiya's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Are you girls finished?" she asked, and we nodded in unison.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of cars pulling into the compound. We rushed to welcome him, and as he stepped out of the car, he was flanked by three jeeps as his escorts.

"Welcome home, Dad," Naima said as she hugged him, and Hajjiya Rukaiya beamed with joy as she welcomed him back.

I couldn't help but shake my head in remembrance of how my own father used to hug me.

He was exactly as I'd seen in the picture: in his fifties, fair-skinned, quite handsome with a bit of a potbelly. He bore a striking resemblance to his son.

I welcomed him too, and we all gathered in the sitting room. Hajjiya Rukaiya and Alhaji sat on the same sofa, while Naima took a one-seater and I sat on the carpet to show respect

As the conversation flowed, Hajjiya Rukaiya asked about his trip, and he eagerly began sharing his experiences. Naima and I were all ears, soaking in the details of his journey. However, there was a moment when I noticed him glancing at me, almost as if he was trying to figure out who I was.

"Who is she?" Alhaji inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"She's the new help I've hired," Hajjiya Rukaiya replied, and I felt the weight of Alhaji's scrutiny as he remarked, "She seems too young to be a maid."

He continued to puzzle over where his wife had found me, a young girl, to work as a maid. "What is your name, young lady?" he asked, and I nervously replied, "My name is Jidderh, sir," fidgeting with my fingers.

"Call me Baba, like the way my children address me," he said with a warm smile,

and in that moment, I felt a rush of warmth and gratitude. It had been ages since I'd addressed someone as "baba." I couldn't help but contrast Hajjiya Rukaiya's kindness with the harshness of Aunty Maryam from my previous experience. It was a stark contrast, and I was immensely grateful for the difference.

Hajjiya Rukaiya never raised her voice at me and treated me like her own child. And now here was Alhaji, urging me to call him "baba." It all overwhelmed me, and tears began streaming down my cheeks.

"Jidderh, why are you crying?" Hajjiya Rukaiya asked, drawing me out of my thoughts.

I quickly wiped away the tears and stammered, "I... I'm not crying." But the truth was, I was touched beyond words.

Alhaji's abrupt declaration of hunger. He stood up, declaring his hunger and beckoning us to the dining table.

"Let's have a family meal. I've really missed having a meal with my family," he announced, and Naima eagerly supported the idea, joining him at the dining table. Hajjiya Rukaiya followed suit,

and I made a move to leave for my room, only to be halted by Alhaji.

"Aren't you going to eat with us?" he inquired, as he spooned himself some food.

"I have a slight headache, sir. I think I need to rest," I explained, feeling guilty for not joining them.

"Can't you drop the formality? I told you to call me baba. By the way, wishing you a quick recovery. Take some medicine and rest, okay?" Alhaji said, and his caring words warmed my heart.

"Sorry, baba," the words rolled off my tongue, feeling strangely foreign yet familiar at the same time.

As they continued to eat, Hajjiya Rukaiya and Naima also expressed their well wishes for my recovery. I quickly made my way upstairs, locking the door behind me, filled with a mix of emotions.....

Hi guys how are you doing am sorry for not updating soon.....

So how is the book so far....

Don't forget to

Kenzie 😍 luv you all

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