chapter 13

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"Hajjiya Rukaiya," Aunt Maryam gasped as she saw her old friend.

"Na am, Maryam," Hajjiya Rukaiya replied, equally surprised.

"Long time no see," Aunt Maryam said.

"Let's go to my car so that we can talk," Hajjiya Rukaiya suggested, gesturing towards her car.

They walked to where she had parked, with Faiha trailing behind them. Hajjiya Rukaiya sat in the driver's seat, Aunt Maryam in the passenger seat, as Faiha carried the shopping bags to her mother's car.

They greeted each other warmly.

"Where have you been?" Aunt Maryam asked.

"I have been in Adamawa," Hajjiya Rukaiya replied.

"Don't tell me you were transferred to Yola because I heard you got married to Alhaji Abubakar, a wealthy millionaire?" Aunt Maryam asked, surprise evident on her face.

"Yes, Maryam, you never change. Since we finished secondary school, I failed JAMB twice, and my dad arranged my marriage. I have two kids – the firstborn is studying abroad, and the second-born is in SS3. How about you?" Hajjiya Rukaiya asked, smiling at Aunt Maryam's questions.

"Me too, I didn't get the chance to further my education. I got married and have two kids. The one you saw with me is my firstborn, and the second-born is at home," Aunt Maryam said.

"Wow, Mashallah! It's been a while. So, how is your husband?" Hajjiya Rukaiya asked.

"He is not in town because he took over his late brother's business. And how about yours?" Aunt Maryam asked.

"My husband is a businessman too, and he is always traveling abroad, so we don't get to see each other often," Hajjiya Rukaiya replied.

"So, what are you doing in life?" Aunt Maryam asked, curious to know.

"Am a house wife how about you" she throws another question at aunty maryam....

" Me too am a house wife but thanks to my daughters who have been helping me with the chores bcx i can handle it alone" aunty maryam replied.....

"Better you , you have helper's" she said taking her phone....

"Don't you have helper's, house work can be hectic at times" aunty maryam ask eager to know....

"All the house maid I have where not a good girls, some used to steal me ,some disrespect me ,,but am still searching" hajiya replied ....

Aunt Maryam felt happy after hearing what her friend had said, "So, you're searching? I know a girl who would be perfect for you. Don't worry, I'll connect you with her," she said smiling.

"Okay, can I have your number so that I can send someone to come and pick her up, because I'll be returning to Adamawa tomorrow," she said, handing her the phone.

They exchanged numbers, and Hajjiya Rukaiya said she had something to attend to. She bid her goodbye and drove off.

After Aunt Maryam returned to her car, she saw Faiha sitting in the passenger seat, engrossed with her phone. She opened the driver's seat and entered.

"Mum, what took you so long?" she asked with a hint of impatience in her voice.

"I met my long-lost friend, and we were so engrossed in our conversation that time flew by," Aunt Maryam replied, turning on the car engine.

"Okay," she uttered, trying to conceal her disappointment at the delay.

"Guess what?" Aunt Maryam asked, her voice filled with excitement as she started driving the car towards the main road.

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