chapter 28

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I was in my room when the noise from downstairs alerted me to Alhaji's arrival. I debated whether to go and greet him, unsure if it was the right moment.

After a moment's hesitation, I made my way downstairs. As I descended, a familiar voice caught my attention. Curiosity piqued, I continued down the stairs and found Hajjiya Rukaiya and her children engrossed in their conversation. I greeted them and settled on the carpet, but something inside urged me to turn around.

My subconscious battled with the urge, and eventually, I decided to stay put and watch TV with Ammi. Meanwhile, Ya Moh and Ya Umar were engrossed in a business discussion, and Naima was occupied with her phone.

As Uncle Muktar and Alhaji finished their meal, they made their way to the sitting room. Uncle Muktar's eyes scanned the room and landed on a young girl sitting on the carpet. She looked familiar, and he hoped she would turn to face him, eager to solve the mystery of her identity. He silently wondered, "Who is she?"

As Uncle Muktar settled down on the sofa, the young girl turned to greet them. His eyes widened as he didn't expect to see her there, and in a moment of uncontrolled emotion, he blurted out, "Jidderh!"

"Uncle," she replied, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and apprehension.

The room fell silent as everyone's eyes turned to the unexpected reunion. Alhaji was the first to break the silence, asking

, "Do you two know each other?"

"Yes, she is my late brother's daughter, whom I took over his business," Uncle Muktar explained to the stunned onlookers.

Tears welled up in Jidderh's eyes as she gazed at her uncle, and she struggled to find her voice as emotions overwhelmed her.

"How did you end up here in Adamawa when I left you in Maiduguri?" Uncle Muktar inquired, his gaze searching her eyes for answers.

Overcome with emotion, Jidderh could only manage to shed tears in response.

Hajjiya Rukaiya, who had been sitting silently, sensing the tension and knowing her son's temper, understood the need to intervene. ....

"Uhmmm Bashir, Umar, and Naima, can you excuse us?" Hajjiya Rukaiya requested. The trio nodded, looking slightly bewildered as they made their way upstairs, leaving Alhaji, Uncle Muktar, and Jidderh in the living room.

"My daughter, talk to me. Why are you crying?" Uncle Muktar's voice was filled with concern.

I quickly wiped away my tears, but my voice failed me as my mind flashed back to Aunt's threats. I struggled to compose myself under his gaze.

"Jidderh, talk to your uncle," Alhaji encouraged, his voice calm.

Hajjiya Rukaiya gave me a reassuring look, silently urging me to speak up.

I began to narrate everything: how Aunt mistreated me, how I ended up here, and how Hajjiya Rukaiya had taken care of me. As I spoke, I saw sympathy in Uncle Muktar's eyes.

"I never thought Maryam would stoop so low as to threaten you like that," Uncle Muktar uttered, shaking his head in disbelief. The room fell silent as his words hung in the air.

"Alhamdulillah, everything happens for a reason. I've told you my son is getting married in the next 4 days, right?" Alhaji reminded Uncle Muktar.

"Yes, you told me," Uncle Muktar replied, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"It is Jidderh that he is marrying. Since Jidderh is like a daughter to you now, I am asking for her hand in marriage," Alhaji confessed, his tone filled with sincerity.

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