chapter 16

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I was still staring at the picture when Musa said, "Hajjiya is coming."

I quickly raised my head and was taken aback by her beauty. Indeed, her skin seemed to exude opulence.

She was donned in an expensive lace outfit, and her necklace gleamed with pure gold. I couldn't help but think that my new boss personified wealth.

As soon as she descended the stairs and entered the sitting room, she gracefully took a seat on the large sofa.

"You're welcome," she said, smiling.

"Good afternoon, Hajjiya," Musa greeted, reciprocating the smile.

I quickly greeted her to show my respect. "Good afternoon, ma," I said politely.

"Afternoon, dear. How was the trip?" she asked.

"Alhamdulillah," both Musa and I replied.

And the began conversating, and after a short while, Musa mentioned that he had something to attend to and left.

"What is your name?" Hajjiya Rukaiya asked turning her attention towards me...

"My name is Hauwa Ahmed, commonly known as Jidderh, ma," I replied, my gaze fixed on the carpet.

"That's a nice name. Have you ever worked as a maid?" she asked, fixing her gaze on me.

Even though I wasn't officially a maid at Aunt Maryam's house, I still felt like one, I thought to myself...

"Maryam told me about you. She said you're a good girl, and I hope you will work with me, obey me, and not hesitate to ask me anything you want. Insha Allah, you will not have any problems with me, okay?" she said.

"I replied, saying, 'I will do it, insha Allah.'

" Your work are house chores, laundry, and cooking duties. If Alhaji is in town, i will handle the cooking, but if he's not, it will be your responsibility." She said..

I nodded in agreement.

Hajjiya rukaiya stood up and said, 'Now, let's go so I can show you your room. After you shower, meet me downstairs."

I stood up, my bag in tow, as I took in the sight of the house, its charm instantly captivating my imagination...

Following her lead, we ascended the stairs, anticipation building with each step.

The door creaked open, revealing an exquisitely adorned room, a perfect blend of sophistication and comfort.

"Welcome to your sanctuary," she beamed.

"Thank you ever so kindly," I murmured, my gratitude overflowing.

"Make yourself at ease," she continued, casting an enchanting smile before gracefully exiting the room...

As I sat onto the plush bed, gratitude enveloped my heart, thanking Allah for bestowing upon me a compassionate boss.

With a sudden surge of anticipation, I ventured towards the bathroom, my ears catching the soothing sound of water filling the tub.

A feeling of tranquility washed over me as I performed ablution, surrendering to the sacred act of prayer.

Closing my eyes, I beseeched for a future brimming with blessings, a tribute to the unwavering love of my late parents. Resolute, I donned my attire and hurried downstairs,

Finding her engrossed in the television's captivating glow, I greeted her with a warm salam.

She responded, her smile illuminating the room, i sat on the carpeted floor to avoid disrespect,

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