chapter 7

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Jidderh p.o.v

Fatima hurriedly entered to our room, shutting the door behind her...

I am in dire need of solitude. I made my way to the balcony of the house, leaning against the wall and weeping. I sobbed profusely..

I yearn for the presence of my parents, why would my uncle hid all this from me? Why would they set fire to our house? Why would my father's friend betray him by running away with the wealth? Numerous questions fill my mind...

I yearn for someone to rouse me and inform me that I am merely dreaming, "Oh Allah, I beseech you to grant me strength through this tribulation, and forgive my parents," I prayed silently...

I dried my tears, crying can't change anything . I must remain strong for myself.

"Whatever destiny brings, accept it and persevere, Jidderh," I told myself...

"Insha Allah, I shall actualize my aspiration," I declared, wiping away my tears...

I proceeded directly to our room, opening the door.

There, I discovered Fatima laying on the bed, facing the wall...

I closed the door behind me, and I sat on the bed beside her...

"Fatima," I called softly...

"Yes," she replied, turning to face me...

Her eyes appeared red and swollen compared to mine...

"So, have you been shedding tears?" I inquired, adopting the tone of a mother speaking to her daughter...

I was embraced tightly by her, and the feeling of the embrace brought more tears from me.

We wept for nearly thirty minutes before releasing our hold on each other...

"What my mother is doing is completely unfair. Why would she say such things? Why would she not enroll you in school? Why does Faiha always receive favoritism?" she questioned, tears welling up in her eyes...

I simply gazed at her, thinking to myself, "Fatima is a compassionate girl with a heart of gold. She is always standing up for me, always making me feel joy."...

She stood up and positioned herself on her feet, pacing around the room...

"Since you will be staying home, I will also stay home and assist with household chores," she declared, her tone conveying seriousness...

I rose from my seat and approached her, placing my hands on her shoulders...

"Never forget that you have dreams," I reminded her...

"But you, too, have dreams, Jidderh, and you have lost so much," she responded, locking eyes with me...

I despised when others pitied me; it only caused more tears to stream down my face. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when the tears started flowing, but I quickly wiped them away...

"Either way, Teema, let's do it this way. You can attend school and teach me whatever you learn at home. I accept my fate as a test from Allah," I said, attempting to project strength, although deep down it pained me...

She gave me a skeptical look...

I smiled at her and affirmed, "Yes"...

"Jidderh, I promise to keep you happy, insha Allah," she said, embracing me...

"Thank you so much, Fatima," I expressed, breaking the hug...

I requested permission to use the restroom and she acknowledged my request.

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