Chapter 36

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(Why the tarnation is this chapter long-)

(And I haven't been updating for quite some time cause I was waiting for my exam results...)

And I failed :) , but it was still a good score (actually, one of the best scores but to me, I failed)

We went shopping.

More like,

Muichiro, Shinazugawa, Iguro and I got dragged along to shop. 

We first went to buy decorations for our homes. I bought a nice pot for my plat and a lot of fabric to sow. I also bought clear glass and some stained glass jars of different shapes and sizes, some soil, colourful pebbles, some small plants and seeds. I was planning to make a terrarium.

After that, we went to eat some snacks in a small quiet cafe. We all ate some biscuits and drank some tea as we talked about our adventures. 

More like, Muichiro and I sitting right next to each other as we listened to the others. Somehow, our hands came in contact briefly before he drank his tea.

Outside, I was composed but inside was a different story.

After listening, the hashiras asked for my opinions on their shares.

"Well, I enjoyed everyone's because I got to learn something new, like new techniques to fight." I respoded.

"Unlike all of you who only wanted to brag how many demons you all defeated and how strong you and the demons were." Muichiro butted in.

"True true." I agreed.

Then, we left to go to a festival.

There, activities erupted here and there. Turn a corner, you can find a bustling magic show. A few steps later, you can find a chef cooking sushis in the most dangerous ways possibles. Turn another corner and you can find a dance.

I bought a white kimono with some dark navy blue designs and a black-red belt with blue and purple floral designs. (one above)

"Hey! Can we stay at your property? I want to know how's it like staying semi-outdoors!" Mitsuri asked.


"Hey guys! (L/N)-chan said we could stay at her property for tonight!"

Hearing this, the hashiras perked up at this.

"I thought it was only Mitsuri..." I muttered, but the decision had already been made.

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