thirty four: it's a girl!

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warning! mentions of eating disorders.

it seemed like amani's surgery took forever.

the constant pacing of everyone, dougie constantly agging me, kay and apple.

and of course, the ridiculous amount of sexual tension between kyra and jakobi.

"y'all think i'm stupid or sumn'?" i asked kyra, making her snap my head into her direction.


"you and kobi. since when?"

"when i find out, i'll let you know. 'cause we don't fuck wit' each other."

"girl bang." i waved her off.

the nurse from earlier came over to us.

"hi guys."

ashanti and jace jumped up.

"is she okay? please tell me she's okay." ashanti asked.

"shanti relax." jace reassured her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"yes, she's fine. she just got out of surgery, it was successful. they removed all fragments of the bullets and she's now in the recovery room. unfortunately, y'all cannot see her for another two to three hours. they're gonna monitor her blood pressure and all that just to make sure she's stable before she gets put into a room. is there anything we should be aware of?" zahara asked.

ashanti looked at jace before answering.

"um she has an eating disorder? i'm not too sure if that contributes to anything. the doctors have always said she was underweight, did that effect her surgery?"

"a little. not a lot though since she responded good. she is a little underweight from a doctor's perspective but they have really ridiculous criteria for what's underweight and overweight. there were a few complications with getting the bullet out of the chest since she's a little skinny in that area and the doctor didn't want to affect her shoulder and collar bones. but they found a way."

we all nodded in an understanding manner.

"i will keep an eye out since her eating disorder can affect her eating habits. it's really important that she eats so all her vitals will be on track and the nurses here don't pay enough attention to key details like that like i do. the recovery room is just for a few hours so y'all can see her as soon as she gets her room. we just want to make sure she wakes up from the anesthesia and everything else is in order. i'll be her nurse by the way, i'm zahara." she said, shaking ashanti's and jace's hand.

"nice to meet you, zahara. thank you." jace said.

"nice to meet y'all too. i'm gonna head up to amani but i'll be back down once they assign her a room." she said, waving as she walked off.

i turned to ashanti.

"amani has an eating disorder?" i asked.

jace looked at me hesitantly.

"uh yeah... she didn't tell you?"

i frowned.

"what kind?"

"anorexia. it started when she was younger. it gets worse then better. it fluctuates but ever since she's started to get out more, she hasn't really had any complications. she's only had one breakdown since then." ashanti said.

"break down about what?" tenai asked.

"it's hard for her to eat sometimes. so when she was trying to, it was really hard for her so she just broke down. we had to come over and help her calm down. but she told us janae has been helping her a lot since she always makes sure that amani eats."

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