Chapter 12 Arc 3

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In the realm of dreams, Eunwoo, the tender spirit with a precocious intellect, continued to be entwined in a mesmerizing tapestry of visions. The nocturnal reveries that had become a constant in his world unfurled like delicate petals, revealing two young men in a tender embrace amid a vast field of moonflowers. These celestial blooms, their white petals bathed in the ethereal glow, symbolized a love that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary—a love that echoed the sentiments he witnessed between his parents, Min-ji and Ji-hoon.

As the dream progressed, Eunwoo's attention was captivated by the other young man, the one with flowing, flame-like hair and molten gold eyes that shone with a brilliance matching the sun. Whimsically naming him 'Sunflower,' Eunwoo found himself contemplating the symbolism inherent in this fiery bloom—loyalty and adoration. Despite his tender age, Eunwoo possessed a profound perceptiveness that surpassed the conventional understanding of childhood innocence. His intuition hinted at a connection between Sunflower and the enigmatic changes occurring within Joon-ki, his hyung.

Threads of curiosity wove through the fabric of Eunwoo's thoughts, extending beyond the confines of dreams into the waking world. Silently eavesdropping on his Dad's meetings, Eunwoo gleaned fragments of understanding. His papa, Ji-hoon, seemed cognizant of the unfolding events, the mysterious shifts that eluded the comprehension of others.

Seated upon the plush sofa in the dwelling that housed the borrowed form, Joon-ki—now revealed as Pyran—savored the unique sensation of inhabiting a child's body. The golden glow of his eyes mirrored the flame that defined his celestial tribe, each flicker a testament to a fiery passion that had endured across the epochs.

In the intimate confines of his newfound home, memories intertwined with the present, weaving a narrative of a love that had endured the test of time. His flames, which had blazed bright through countless centuries, now burned within the heart of a child. Pyran reveled in the warmth that emanated from the core of his being, an ethereal fire that mirrored the profound connection he shared with his beloved.

As he contemplated the journey that had led him to this moment, the whispers of ancient moonflowers echoed in the recesses of his consciousness. The field, bathed in the glow of celestial blossoms, held the promise of a future intertwined with destiny. Pyran's molten gaze, filled with a love that had transcended ages, focused on the visage of his beloved—his prince, his eternal flame.

The child's form he now occupied served as a vessel for the manifestation of their shared destiny. Pyran's gaze, softened with affection, lingered on the innocent features that masked the soul of a seasoned traveler through time. With a serene smile, he whispered promises to the winds of fate, vowing to wait for the reunion that their intertwined destinies promised.

"My love," Pyran murmured, his words a gentle caress through the boundless expanse of existence. "I can wait for you. Across the canvas of time, our story shall unfold, guided by the threads of fate that have bound us since time immemorial." The room, steeped in a quiet luminescence, bore witness to the silent covenant between a wandering spirit and the enduring flame of love.

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