Extra Chapter 1

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The three realms—Heavenly, Abyssal, and Human—form an intricate tapestry that weaves together the fabric of existence, each contributing its unique essence to the balance of the world.

Human Realm

In the narrative, the Human Realm serves as the primary setting where the mortal characters, such as Min-ji and Ji-hoon, navigate their lives. Time here flows linearly, allowing the characters to experience the unfolding events with a clear sense of past, present, and future.

The central rule governing the Human Realm in the story is the concept of free will. The mortal characters have the autonomy to make choices and decisions, shaping their destinies. Their lives are characterized by the impermanence of existence, mortality, and the challenges that come with navigating the complexities of the human experience.

The characters' choices and actions hold significant weight in the cosmic balance. In the story, the protagonists' decisions contribute directly to the unfolding events and the challenges they face. Acts of kindness, empathy, and moral choices resonate beyond individual lives, impacting the cosmic equilibrium.

Conversely, darker choices and moral dilemmas add complexity to the narrative, creating tension and affecting the delicate balance. The consequences of these choices ripple across realms, influencing not only the characters' personal journeys but also the overarching cosmic narrative.

The Human Realm, in the story, becomes a stage for moral exploration, personal growth, and the pursuit of understanding. As the characters grapple with challenges and confront the consequences of their actions, they unknowingly contribute to the intricate tapestry of the cosmic order, shaping the destiny of their societies and influencing the celestial and abyssal realms.

In summary, the Human Realm in the story is more than just a backdrop; it becomes a dynamic force driving the narrative. The characters' choices, struggles, and triumphs play a crucial role in the cosmic balance, adding depth and complexity to the overarching tale of the intertwined destinies of the three realms.

Abyssal Realm

Time in the Abyssal Realm functions differently from the Human Realm. A week spent in the Abyssal Realm is equivalent to a month in the Human Realm. This temporal disparity adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, as events in the Abyssal Realm unfold at an accelerated pace compared to the mortal world.

The Abyssal Realm is home to various tribes, each with its unique culture, traditions, and characteristics. These tribes, once deities or celestial beings cast down from the Heavenly Realm, now navigate the shadows and complexities of the Abyssal Realm. The tribes contribute to the richness of the story, each offering distinct perspectives and motivations.

The narrative may include a backstory or ongoing conflict within the Abyssal Realm. Wars and power struggles among the tribes have shaped the history of this realm, leaving scars and alliances that influence the current events. The repercussions of past conflicts may still linger, affecting the choices and relationships of characters in the present.

The rules of the Abyssal Realm are shaped by chaos and entropy. It's a realm of shadows and mysteries, where reality is fluid and subject to constant change. Entities within the Abyssal Realm often seek to challenge the order imposed by the Heavenly Realm, creating a dynamic interplay of dark forces and hidden truths.

The accelerated passage of time in the Abyssal Realm can lead to characters experiencing centuries while only a short time passes in the Human Realm. This temporal dichotomy adds complexity to the characters' perspectives and relationships, creating opportunities for unforeseen developments.

The Abyssal Tribes may adhere to unique traditions that define their way of life. These traditions could involve rituals, ceremonies, or rites of passage that hold cultural significance. The exploration of these traditions provides a deeper understanding of the characters and their connection to the Abyssal Realm.

In summary, the Abyssal Realm serves as a realm of accelerated time, shadowy complexities, and ancient conflicts. The diversity of Abyssal Tribes and their traditions enriches the narrative, offering a counterpoint to the celestial order and influencing the destinies of characters caught in the intricate dance between light and darkness.

Heavenly Realm

Time in the Heavenly Realm is fluid and nonlinear. Celestial beings exist beyond mortal constraints, perceiving and influencing events across various timelines simultaneously. This unique temporal perspective grants them a panoramic view of the cosmic drama.

The Heavenly Realm is governed by a divine hierarchy consisting of deities and celestial entities. Each entity holds a specific role in maintaining order, harmony, and the pursuit of wisdom. The interaction between celestial beings and their influence on mortal destinies is a central theme in the narrative.

Celestial beings contribute to the balance by guiding and inspiring mortals. Their interventions, often through divine revelations, ensure the alignment of mortal actions with cosmic harmony. Acts of benevolence, wisdom, and justice are the currency of balance in the Heavenly Realm.

The narrative may explore the challenges faced by celestial beings in maintaining the delicate equilibrium. Conflicts within the divine hierarchy, ethical dilemmas, and the consequences of intervening in mortal affairs are integral elements that shape the story.

The Heavenly Realm is a source of divine interventions that impact the Human and Abyssal Realms. Characters may receive guidance, visions, or blessings from celestial entities, setting the course for their destinies. However, these interventions may come with unforeseen consequences, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

The pursuit of cosmic wisdom is a central theme in the Heavenly Realm. Celestial beings may engage in contemplation, philosophical discourse, and the exploration of universal truths. The quest for understanding the cosmic order and the nature of existence becomes a driving force for certain characters.

In summary, the Heavenly Realm serves as a realm of timeless wisdom, divine interventions, and a complex celestial hierarchy. Celestial beings, with their unique perspectives and roles, shape the destinies of mortals and contribute to the delicate balance that binds the three realms together in the overarching narrative.

In essence, the realms function like yin and yang. The Abyssal Realm represents the yin as, despite having monstrous features and being perceived as "bad," its inhabitants value traditions and possess morals. On the other hand, the Heavenly Realm serves as the yang, being worshipped and revered. However, they are constrained by restrictions imposed upon them during ascension, and corruption has infiltrated their realm, courtesy of Seraphiel Lightbringer. Meanwhile, the Human Realm is the gray area. Despite some individuals claiming to be either good or bad, the reality is nuanced. Some might do actions considered bad from certain perspectives, but the outcomes could benefit many. Moreover, differing definitions of good and bad in the human realm contribute to its inherently gray nature.

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