Chapter 1 Arc 4

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As the battlefield echoed with the anguished cries of the fallen, a solitary figure moved with unparalleled grace amidst the chaos. The ground trembled beneath each stride, and the very air seemed to ripple with an otherworldly energy. Shadows danced in harmony with the figure, weaving a macabre path through the carnage.

Amidst the horrors, a heart-wrenching scream cut through the din. The queen of the abyss, her regal form adorned with darkness, cradled the lifeless body of her son. The king, a force of destruction, wreaked havoc in his grief. The tableau painted a picture of tragedy, a kingdom shattered by the cruel hands of fate.

In the midst of this grim scene, the figure, a silhouette against the crimson-stained landscape, stood frozen. His eyes, pools of sorrow, were fixated on a cold hand that lay motionless on the blood-soaked ground. "Eldrin," he uttered, his voice choked with anguish. Each step he took towards his beloved felt like an eternity, yet Eldrin's lifeless form remained unmoved.

The battlefield, a tapestry of despair, bore witness to a love shattered by the cruel hands of destiny. The figure, consumed by grief, stood alone amidst the wreckage of a once-mighty kingdom, questioning the capricious nature of the universe that had torn his world asunder.

Eunwoo's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself bathed in a cold sweat. As he sat up, a palpable sense of unease lingered in the air. Tears, unbidden, traced silken paths down his cheeks. The remnants of a dream, vivid and haunting, clung to the edges of his consciousness.

"What was that?" Eunwoo mumbled to himself, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. His eyes, shaken and brimming with unshed tears, betrayed the turmoil within. The questions echoed in his mind, each one a puzzle piece seeking its place: Why couldn't the dream cease its hold on him? Who were those figures, and why did his heart ache as if gripped by an unseen force?

"Eldrin," a voice, laden with an anguish that resonated through the very core of his being, reverberated in his ears. It was a name that seemed to echo from the depths of a past not entirely his own. A shiver ran down his spine, and he could almost feel the echo of sorrow intertwining with the strands of his soul.

"My baby," another voice, hauntingly familiar, supplanted the earlier lament. The resonance of the words tugged at the recesses of his memory, reminiscent of the weeping woman he had glimpsed in dreams long past. The familiarity only deepened the enigma, leaving Eunwoo to grapple with the unsettling fragments of a past that eluded his conscious understanding.

The passage of time had woven its tapestry of routine and uncertainty in the lives of the survivors. Eunwoo, now on the brink of turning 16, stood at the crossroads of adolescence, his world colored by the hues of a post-apocalyptic reality. Zombie waves and mutant encounters had become commonplace, the once-shocking now met with a resilient resolve.

"Eunwoo," a gentle voice called out to him, and he turned to find Joon-ki, a smile adorning his features. "Hyung," Eunwoo greeted, though a subtle unease danced at the periphery of his consciousness. The term, once natural, now seemed to carry an unfamiliar weight. The nagging thought tugged at his mind—why did calling Joon-ki 'hyung' suddenly feel off? Dismissing the notion as fleeting, he engaged in conversation with Joon-ki.

As the years passed, Eunwoo noticed a shift in their dynamic. Conversations with Joon-ki had become more frequent, the connection deepening over time. The small voice at the back of his mind hinted at a subtle change that seemed to align with the passage of years and the mysterious threads of his dreams and voices.

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