Chapter 1: Portorosso Fun

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"Wake up sleepyheads! It's finally summer! Woohoo!"Giulia squealed with happiness. Alberto and Amber were still sleeping with each other until Giulia banged her pillow on Alberto's head. "Ow! Jesus Christ, Giulia! What the hell?" Alberto shouted as Giulia stuck her tongue out at him, leaving Amber and Alberto alone. "Rude awakening much?" Alberto huffed. Amber was still sleeping as Alberto watched her. He kissed her cheek as Amber stirred awake. Amber yawned and opened her eyes. "Good morning, my prince." Amber told Alberto. "Morning princess," Alberto kissed her. Amber stretched as she and Alberto walked out of the room. They walked into the kitchen as Giulia and Amber sat down for breakfast. "Morning princessa! I hope you slept well," Massimo told Amber. "Yes sir I did," Amber chuckled. Alberto came up to Amber. "For milady, blueberry pancakes, a la mode!" Alberto said. "Delicious, my favorite!" Amber smiled at Alberto. After breakfast, Alberto was getting ready for lifeguard duty. Amber decided to take care of Machiavelli and write a letter to her family. As Alberto waved goodbye and kissed Amber's head, Amber headed on the balcony and groomed Machiavelli. "Ah yeah that's the spot," Machiavelli said as Amber yelped in surprise. "You can talk?!" Amber asked. "You understand me, too?" Machiavelli said. Amber's amulet started glowing and Machiavelli gave a smug look and grinned. "Now that explains it." Machiavelli pointed to the amulet. "Huh, I didn't realize my amulet can make me talk to animals just like Sofia," Amber thought. "Now you know!" Machiavelli smiled. Amber was done brushing Machiavelli and decided to go for a swim in her mermaid form. She swam for a while until something happened.

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