Chapter 3: Meeting Chelsea

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Amber was swimming back to Alberto as fast as she could. "Help! Can someone help me?" a voice said. Amber paused and noticed another mermaid trapped in a cage. Amber was hesitant but decided to help out a fellow mermaid out. "Hey!" Amber said as she swam down to the other mermaid. "I'm here to help you, don't worry," Amber said. Using her strength, Amber was able to pry open the cage bars and set the other mermaid free. "Oh thank you so much! Really, I thought I was gonna die in there," the other mermaid said. "No problem, I'm Amber." Amber introduced herself. "Chelsea," she shook Amber's hand. "Wow! I love your necklace! I wish I had one like yours." Chelsea mentioned Amber's amulet. "Thanks, it's pretty special," Amber said. Chelsea noticed Amber's scratch on Amber's arm. "Oh! Here let me help you," Chelsea grabbed a piece of seaweed and wrapped it around Amber's arm. "Thank you," Amber said. "Amber! Where are you?" Alberto called out from a distance. "I have to go," Amber waved goodbye to Chelsea and swam off.

Chelsea swam the opposite direction. She thought Amber's amulet seemed powerful, thinking it could help her rule the oceans and defeat all sea creatures. It wasn't long till Chelsea noticed a harpoon on the sea floor. Curious, she swam to the surface and looked around. She noticed a boat in the distance and started swimming cautiously. When she approached the boat, a man was on the boat and she hid. Meanwhile, Ercole got some binoculars and looked around for any sea creatures. Thinking the harpoon was Ercole's, she swam over and decided to give the harpoon back to him. Ercole then heard a noise and saw his harpoon back in the boat which he thought was odd. "Okay no games! Show yourself, sea creature! You have been warned!" Ercole shouted. Chelsea thought that maybe this man could help her with her plan. She had an idea and went underwater.

Going in circles on the speedboat, Ercole was looking to find a way to land, but was lost. That's when Chelsea began her idea. "Help! Oh somebody, help me! I'm drowning!" Chelsea cried out. Ercole then saw a lady in the water and decided to help her. "Grab my hand!" Ercole cried out. Chelsea grabbed it as Ercole pulled her out. Falling back, Ercole regained himself after pulling Chelsea onto the speedboat. "Woo! Thank you for saving me," Chelsea told Ercole. "Don't mention it, next time don't..." Ercole paused and looked at Chelsea. He never saw anyone so beautiful in his entire life. Chelsea saw him starring at her and then thunder clouds started hovering over them. A whirlpool then developed right near them as the sea started pushing the two in the speedboat toward the whirlpool. "Don't just look at me, do something!" Chelsea screamed at Ercole. Ercole snapped out of it, nodded and tried to turn on the engine. Trying as he might, the engine was stuck and broke. "We have a problem," Ercole said showing the broken engine. Chelsea rolled her eyes and that's when the boat started turning, swaying back and forth as Chelsea went overboard. "No my beautiful cherry blossom!" Ercole said, jumping into the ocean. Chelsea reached out for Ercole as Ercole grabbed her hand while holding on to the overturned boat. "Don't let go!" Chelsea hollered. Ercole couldn't and they both got caught in the whirlpool. Waves kept splashing them as they got caught under the water. They both hit each other and they both blacked out.

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