Chapter 15: Rachel's Story/He has Returned Song & Reprise

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Out of breath, Rachel breathed a sigh of relief as Alberto carried her into the forest. He set her down and let her rest, book still tightly in her arms. Alberto gathered himself as he paced back and forth. Where were his friends? Who took them? How did Ercole turn into a sea monster? Most importantly, is Amber even alive? Questions kept swirling in his head and he couldn't concentrate. He heard Rachel coughing as the animals came to comfort her. Alberto grabbed a tree branch and covered it over Rachel. "You good?" Alberto asked Rachel. Rachel sat in fetal position and stared for a while. "He's back..." Rachel teared up. Alberto paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, who's back?" Alberto asked her as Rachel sat up. "He's got more henchmen...He can't be stopped..." Rachel murmured. "What are you talking about?" Alberto asked her. Rachel slowly looked up at Alberto, sighing in dismay. "Your family is in grave danger. He's too powerful to stop. He'll probably take he did with me..." Rachel sighed. Alberto was puzzled. Still confused, Rachel opened the book she was holding. She turned to the page with Chernabog on it. "Chernabog, one of the greatest villains of all time, is out to take over using any power he's got. He will do anything to get more power, even if he has to..." Rachel paused. "To what?" Alberto asked. "To kill the ones you love, especially mine." Rachel told Alberto. Rachel started to sing:

My parents were the best
The best I ever had
My mom was sweet
My dad was smart and funny
And I was really glad
But then one day they left
Left for the day
The nanny came and ruined my life
Taking it all away
I noticed something about her
Her eyes were yellow and shiny
Something about her wasn't right
She was deep dark and scary
Then I knew
From that day on
She wasn't right at all
She shook me right to the core
And then I would start to fall

He has returned!
And I'm very concerned!

The nanny took my parents
Out while I was alone
They were out for hours and hours
While I was stuck at home
I answered the door to a man
Who was bald and grey
Told me to leave my house
And that I couldn't stay!

Yes, he has returned!
The table starts to turn!

I secretly went out
To find my family
I came to a huge mountain
And it was really haunting
Then I saw the nanny
With an evil gleam in her eye
Brought me to a tree,
I dropped on the floor and cried
I saw to my horror
That my parents had died...

Yes, he has returned!
The sad truth I have learned.

The nanny then told me
To join her on her side
I kicked her in the shin
I ran away
Bawling out my eyes

Alberto sat there looking at Rachel, feeling sorry for her.

I came to Enchancia
And opened up a store
The people were so kind to me
I couldn't ask for more!

I know he has returned!
Hope the world doesn't burn

He has returned!
That I can concur!
There's nothing I can do
It doesn't matter who

Alberto was brave and sang back to Rachel:

Silenzio Bruno, Rachel
That's just a voice in your head
Together we will find my friends
And fight until the end!

Only bravery and courage
And a bit of wit and smarts
Can outsmart Chernabog
And mend all our hearts!

Rachel grabbed Alberto's hands and continued singing:
I know that you're the one!
The one to save us all
You will be our victory
To doom and downfall

But how can I do it?
With my friends in his grasp
You may be stubborn and jealous
Alberto: (Hey!)
And not go on through
But if you look down deep inside
The chosen is one is you!

Alberto smiled and stood tall:
Yes, I can do it!
It's something I cannot hide
I will rescue all my friends
And my girlfriend
By my side!
Silenzio Bruno is the words I live by
With help from everyone,
Is something I can rely!

Don't worry Amber, I won't leave you solo
I love you with all my heart or my name is not Alberto!

Rachel looked sad. Alberto looked at her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
But I can't do this alone
If we work together
With our team of awesomeness,
We will be better and better!

Rachel and Alberto:
Yeah, he will be no more!
We'll kick him out the door!
And we will save our friends
Ready to defend!

Rachel hugged Alberto. "Thank you Alberto," Rachel told him. "What can I say, I'm kind of an expert. Let's get some sleep." Alberto grinned as he and Rachel slept under a tree.

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