Chapter 2: Ercole's Return

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"No stop please!" Ercole told the Kanker sisters. "He looks good as my boyfriend!" Marie said. "No he's mine!" said May. "Back off girls give him to me!" Lee hollered. The sisters got into a quarrel and that's when Ercole snuck out the window and escaped. He ran as fast as he could. He ran into the city dodging many things and then got to the beach. He washed off all the makeup the sisters gave him and suddenly noticed a boat. He jumped on the boat and sped off as fast as he could. Finally, I got away from those pesky girls. Ercole thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Amber was practicing her mermaid moves and jumping out of the ocean. She swam and swam, feeling excited and calm to just get out there! She didn't know that Ercole was right behind her tail.

As Ercole was navigating the boat, he saw something jump out of the water and splash back in. To him, it looked like a sea monster. Seeing a harpoon off to the inside of the boat, he grabbed it and threw it.

Amber was swimming when she was scratched in the arm by what looked like a harpoon. Amber flinched when she noticed the scratch. That's when she noticed the harpoon on the sea floor. Amber knew what that meant and headed over to tell Alberto, fast.

"Drat!" Ercole knew he missed and wouldn't get his harpoon back. So he sped the speedboat elsewhere.

The Princess and the Sea Monster: Attack of Chernabog Where stories live. Discover now