Chapter 21: Diabolical Wedding/Don't Wanna be Torn

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      Alberto and his group of friends hid behind an abandoned house, looking out the window. "So what's the plan, Alberto?" Giulia asked. "Okay here it goes. Jake, James, Sofia, you come with me. Luca and Giulia, you stay here and keep watch." Alberto told them. "If anything happens, yell CA-CAW!" Alberto said. Giulia and Luca nodded as did Jake, James, and Sofia. "Underdogs?" Alberto asked putting his hand in the middle. Everyone else followed. "Underdogs!" they all whispered. "Good luck out there." Giulia said as Alberto, Jake, Sofia, and James ran off.

    Chelsea was getting dressed when she noticed on her crystal ball that Alberto had arrived already with his friends. She panicked and grew frustrated. She ran over to Chernabog. "Master, the sea monster has shown up with his stupid friends! What do we do?" Chelsea asked. "Don't worry Nerissa, I have a plan." Chernabog said, adjusting his bowtie. "Oh?" Chelsea asked. Chernabog then shape-shifted into Prince Hugo, Amber's ex. "I see it now. With his hopes and dreams destroyed, the world will be ours!" Chelsea laughed. "Precisely. Go get Ercole, we're getting close." Chernabog grinned. Chelsea nodded. That's when something took Amber's green amulet.

As Alana was getting ready, she put on her cursed amulet and shapeshifted into an evil Amber. Chelsea then entered the room. "Alana, you look SO good!" Chelsea squealed. Alana was wearing a black dress with reflective red jewels. "Master is gonna love this!" Chelsea squealed. Suddenly a demon pig and goat demon showed up. "Uh miss? There seems to be an issue." the pig said. "What do you mean issue?!" Chelsea growled. "Mr. Ercole is nowhere to be found." the goat told her. Chelsea then could sense Ercole. She grinned evilly. "No worries. I'll take care of him." Chelsea said. The pig and goat shrugged, walking away.   Chelsea then turned around and saw Alana. "Let's begin, your husband is waiting." Chelsea said taking Alana's hand as they walked out together.

Alberto, Jake, and Sofia arrived at Bald Mountain. They made it to the entrance. The weird thing was there were no guards. "That's strange. I thought guards were supposed to surround this place." Sofia said. "Don't be to sure. There are spies." Jake warned. Just then, the door opened. Jake got out his sword, Alberto got out his dagger, and Sofia stood in fight position while the doors opened. No one came out. "Uh...that's weird." Jake said. "Are they expecting us or something?" Sofia asked. "I don't know but we're about to find out," Alberto breathed out heavily. Jake and Sofia held hands as Alberto stood in front of them. They walked inside the mountain. The doors shut, making everyone jump. Lights lit up inside the mountain. Just then a demon and harpy walked by, talking to each other. The trio hid behind a large rock. "Master and Alana are so cute together! I'm glad they invited us to the wedding!" the harpy smiled. "You and me both!" the demon grinned, walking off with the harpy. "Who's Alana?" Sofia asked. "Yeah, did they just say wedding as well?" Jake wondered. Sofia then looked behind Jake. Alberto wasn't with them! "Jake! Where's Alberto?" Sofia whispered harshly to Jake.

Meanwhile, Alberto was walking around in the mountain when he heard organ music. He heard doors closing and ran toward the sound. He tried to open the doors but they wouldn't budge. He had to think of something in order to get in there. An idea came to him! He saw a janitorial demon until Alberto knocked him out. Alberto quickly put on the janitorial clothes and pushed the black trash can into the so called "wedding" he overheard about. He quickly went through a side door while hiding and pushing the trash can. Once he got inside to the wedding, he saw a demon coming so Alberto jumped into the trash can and hid. Alberto then noticed there were holes at the bottom of the trash can and started running, hiding, running, hiding. Peeking over, he could see a view of the event. He noticed Amber! He was SO happy she was alive! Then he noticed another person he didn't recognize. Alberto grew suspicious and listened in.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for the marriage of Che-I mean Prince Hugo and Alana." a dog demon recited. Alana? Alberto thought. He wanted to stop the wedding so badly, knowing he couldn't be seen.

Chelsea was a bridesmaid and held the black roses close to her. Just then she noticed a trash can moving and motioned to her Master that there was a spy. Chernabog aka Prince Hugo then said, "HURRY UP AND GET TO THE END!" while growling. The demon dog gulped in terror, "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss!" the dog rapidly went. The "newlyweds" then kissed passionately and it was pretty gross. Alana then rested her head on Hugo's chest. Alberto saw them kissing and his heart broke.'s not possible. I'm too late. Alberto thought to himself. He left toward the side door and closed it. Sofia and Jake ran to him. "Alberto where have you been? Are you okay?" Sofia asked. Alberto then sighed sadly. "I'm so stupid. Why did I think I could marry her? I'm a troublemaking freak." Alberto said. "What makes you say that?" Jake asked Alberto. Alberto sighed sadly. "Come on guys. It's over." Alberto said as he started walking away. "What's got into him?" Jake asked. Sofia could sense something wasn't right.

Alberto walked angrily toward the abandoned house where Luca and Giulia were. "Alberto! Thank goodness!" Luca said. "Where's Amber?" Giulia asked. Alberto then walked behind Giulia and Luca, his back turned. " no more." Alberto sighed. "What?!?" Giulia and Luca said in unison. "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a moment." Alberto told them, angrily walking off. Luca reached out for Alberto but Giulia said to let him be. Giulia then walked off to keep watch of the mountain.

Alberto got a river and sang:

Maybe it's the things I say
Maybe I should think before I speak
But I thought that I knew enough
To know myself and do what's right for me
And these walls I'm building now
You used to bring 'em down
And the tears I'm crying out
You used to wipe away
I thought you said it was easy
Listening to your heart
I thought you said I'd be okay
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
Don't make me have to choose between
What I want and what you think I need
(What you think I need)
'Cause I'll always be your lover
But even we both have got dreams
Now it all feels like I have died
You were always on my side
And the lonely I feel now
You used to make it go away
I thought you said it was easy
Listening to your heart
I thought you said I'd be okay
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn
Why is all this so confusing
Complicated and consuming?
Why does all this make me angry
I wanna go back to being happy
The tears I'm crying out
You used to wipe away, yeah
I thought you said it was easy (easy)
Listening to your heart
(Listening to your heart)
I thought you said I'd be okay
So why am I breaking apart?
Don't wanna be torn (don't wanna be)
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn (don't wanna be)
Don't wanna be torn
Don't wanna be torn
(Don't wanna be torn)
Don't wanna be torn
(Don't wanna be torn)
Don't wanna be torn (don't wanna be)
Don't wanna be torn (don't wanna be)

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