Chapter 11: Alberto's Dream

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Alberto's POV:
I woke up to an ominous place. I wasn't with my friends or family at all. My head hurt and I felt like I was chained up. Breathing heavily, I tried to free myself. Failing to do so, I gave up. "Hey! Get me out of here!" I yelled. "Well well well, if it isn't the wretched sea monster, I knew I smelled you." I knew that voice, Ercole. "I can't believe you're still here when I should've killed you all along." Ercole chuckled. "Now that I'm like you, I can finally get my revenge on you and your beautiful girlfriend." "What do you mean? What have you done with Amber, my friends, and my family?!" I hollered. "Your friends and family? Please! They're here, you just need to make a decision with my Masters for that one. Either I kill you and get what I want or your friends go arrivederci along with your family and the precious kingdom!" Ercole yelled in Alberto's face. Then I saw everyone, including Amber's family, trapped in ghost like orbs. "You can't do this, Ercole!" I said. "Look whoever sent you to do this, is wrong!" I told him. "Stop telling me your pathetic lies! I know what's right! You don't!" Ercole shouted. "Alberto?" I heard Amber but I couldn't see her. It was still completely pitch black. Voices were surrounding my head, I couldn't concentrate. Just then I saw another girl with red hair. "Behold the sea monster, just as you wanted." Ercole told the girl. The girl came up to me and looked me in the eye. "Pa-thetic. Bring this filth to Master! He has something in store for this worthless creature." the girl said.
       Still chained up, I was handcuffed, walking with Ercole and the mystery girl. The orbs disappeared as we walked away. Panicked, I felt an evil presence. The voices in my head kept getting stronger by the minute.  We finally arrived in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't see Ercole or the mystery girl. Anxiety took me over but I couldn't do anything since I was handcuffed/shackled. I felt faint, numb, and nauseous. I couldn't control the pressure. "Alberto?" Amber again. "Princess! Where are you?" I called out. Just then, the shackles on me vanished into thin air. I fell then stood up. That's when I saw Amber. I couldn't quite stand properly. "Alberto!" Amber said, running toward me. She hugged me then felt my head. "You're running a fever...." she said. "Amber, I should have listened to you all along. Ercole is up to something. I have a gut feeling that something isn't right," I told her. "Shhh, don't worry. We'll fix it together," Amber said. "But I saw your family and our friends...something is definitely going on." I started to say something then I started growing limp. "Alberto!" Amber cried, holding me. "You can't die, not now!" I still had some thought in me. Thinking a little bit, I had an idea. "Amber you gotta kiss me," I said. "What?" "Luca and Giulia told me the only way to break a curse is through true love's kiss," I explained. "And there's something else too," I told her. Amber looked confused. "I want you to marry me," I said. Amber gasped. We looked deep into each other's eyes. I went in for a kiss as Amber did the same until she stopped. "Oh Alberto, if only there was someone out there who actually loved you." Amber grinned. I didn't understand. "Amber please! You did, we all did!" I pleaded. "You thought I loved you! Ha! Not even your own father loved you, what a shame." she grinned evilly. I gained a little strength. "You take that back!"  I spat under my breath. "Plus I have found someone else who loves me," she snickered. "What? Who?" I asked, gritting my teeth in anger. "If you want to find your precious girlfriend, you know where to find me." Amber vanished into the darkness. The voices were strong until they was an ear piercing scream. I covered my ears, backing up. I lost my balance and fell into an abyss.

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