Chapter 5: Finders Keepers/Come to Me

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Ercole woke up suddenly when he noticed Chelsea sleeping next to him. He poked her but she didn't wake up. He thought she was dead so he decided to do mouth to mouth CPR. As he was about to, Chelsea suddenly woke up and gasped. "What are you doing?" Chelsea said. Ercole looked at her as she pushed him away. She smelled the air. She realized she wasn't in the ocean but a forest of some sort. Ercole got nervous. Chelsea got angry at Ercole. "You idiot! Where are we?! Thanks to you, we're stuck here!" Chelsea yelled at him. Ercole tried to act cool to Chelsea, not succeeding. "Your breath smells terrible, go get a mint or something," she flicked his nose. Ercole humphed at Chelsea's remark. "Hellooooooo!" Chelsea called out into the forest. No answer. Just the sound of an owl and some crickets. "Maybe we set up camp here until we find a way out," Ercole suggested. Chelsea got irritated, pulling Ercole by the shirt collar. "WE are not staying here! Either we both go or I go alone," Chelsea told Ercole. Throwing Ercole on the ground, he ran behind a tree. "Oh boo, you're no fun. I guess I'll go on my own. would like to help me on my mission," Chelsea said slyly. "What are you talking about?" Ercole asked. "Oh look, the coward has come out of his hideous hiding hole," Chelsea mocked Ercole. "Don't toy with me," Ercole grumbled. "Are you coming with me or not?!" Chelsea yelled. "Ffffffine!" Ercole agreed, cursing Italian words under his breath.

Amber lie on the ground. She sat up, her head hurting. Dazed and confused, she shook it off looking at her surroundings. She wasn't in Portorosso or in the sea, she was lost. It was so dark and cold. She thought about Alberto and looked around for him. Getting up and freaking out a bit, her dress was caught on a branch. She tripped and slid down a hill, landing on some thick grass/mud. "Yuck," Amber wiped off the mud. Wiping the mud off from her neck, she noticed that her amulet necklace was missing. She frantically searched for it checking every bush, tree, nook, and cranny. She sat on the floor and cried. "Oh Alberto, where are you? I need you," Amber whimpered.

Ercole and Chelsea kept trekking through the forest. Every time Chelsea saw a tree branch, it kept hitting Ercole. They came to a green light glowing in the distance. Chelsea knew what it was. She had a strong feeling about it. Ercole was being clumsy and kept checking his surroundings, nervous as he was. Chelsea had a thought. "Hey! Over here!" Chelsea whispered to Ercole. Ercole came frantically running to her side. He noticed the green light in the distance. "See that? That's the answer to all our problems! All you have to do is get it for me, I mean us!" Chelsea giggled. "How can I? It could be a bug or something," Ercole scoffed. Chelsea then started flirting with Ercole. "Oh, come on!  I need a big, strong man to help me get that shining light over there. You'll get everything you need, even that lovely princess and that dreaded sea monster," Chelsea cooed. "Wait, how do you know?" Ercole asked. "Come to me, you'll see..." Chelsea started singing:

Come to me
Come to me
Fix your eyes
And Come to me

You can see
What I have in store
Play my game
Mi amour

Hush now my hunky baby
Don't let this go to waste
Surely and slyly
The temptation can't really resist

Come to me
Come to me
Fix your eyes
And come to me

I can tell
You'll come around
Living in lust
Feeling aroused

Hush now my hunky baby
Don't let this go to waste
Surely and slyly
The temptation can't really resist

Come to me
Come to me
Fix your eyes
And come to me

Ercole was in love and didn't even know he was under Chelsea's control. He jumped into action. "Don't worry! You can count on me!" Ercole stood up and ran to the green light. Suddenly, he noticed it was a green amulet necklace. He grabbed it, chuckling evilly. "My precious beauty," Ercole laughed. "Yoohoo!" That's when a deer bucked Ercole, knocking him out. Chelsea then snatched the amulet and wore it. She felt more powerful than ever. "Onward Ronno! Master would love to hear about this," Chelsea said. "With pleasure mi lady," Ronno then galloped with Chelsea on his back. Ercole then woke up and saw the green light leaving. "No! My beautiful gem!" Ercole said and ran after it.

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