Chapter 25: Saving Amber/Princess Song Reprise

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Everyone just looked at each other for a moment. Then they cheered! "Woohoo! We did it!" Giulia said, hugging Luca. "Way to go team!" James said. Everyone high fived and hugged each other. "Guys!" Sofia said. Everyone stopped cheering and turned to Sofia, her back facing them. They all ran over to her. Alberto was lying next to Amber. Amber was not moving. She was pale and grey. Sofia started tearing up 🥺. "Oh no," James said. Alberto tried to wake up Amber. "Amber come on! You gotta wake up, you just gotta!" Alberto said doing heart compressions on her. He kept doing it over and over again. "No no no! Please don't leave me! I don't wanna lose you too!" Alberto cried out. He continued, calling out Amber's name. He stopped and cried. Sofia and James started crying as everyone started to do the same. Jake comforted Sofia. Alberto sang:

Princess, Princess,
Now that I have found you
I need an answer
Just give me a sign
Princess, Princess
It just cannot be
But once again
With all my heart,
Will you marry me?

    Alberto stopped singing, crying into Amber. Suddenly the sun rays shown on Amber as clouds started to dissipate. "Al-berto?" Amber murmured. Everyone saw Amber stirring awake. Amber looked completely different though she looked good! Alberto then saw his girlfriend, backing up. Amber got up and stretched. Everyone was still in shock with Amber's change. Amber looked at a shocked Alberto "Alberto, it's me," Amber said. Alberto crawled toward Amber cautiously. Amber and Alberto looked deep into each other's eyes. "I'm guessing you're an expert at this," Amber giggled. Alberto cried and smiled, hugging Amber tightly. "It is you!" Alberto said, kissing Amber all over. "You don't look so bad, Princess." Alberto said smirking. "Not looking too bad either," Amber nudged Alberto. Amber then saw her friends and siblings. Alberto took her hand as they both walked over to their friends together. "Hey guys," Amber said. Everyone was still in shock. Sofia then realized it was her stepsister. She cried and gave Amber a hug. "I knew it was you!" Sofia said. "Woah wait, how did Amber change?" Jake asked. "According to this book, once Chernabog changes you, you can't go back to your original looks." Luca read from The Book of Fantasia. "So that means I stay this way forever?" Amber asked. She looked worried at Alberto. Alberto smiled flirtatiously. "What?" Amber asked him. "I like the new you! Plus I think you're pretty hot like that," Alberto told her as Amber blushed. Jake smiled back as they all gathered around the couple. They arrived back in Enchancia. The castle was magically restored and everything was back to normal.

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