3. Just move on from me

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Everyday we would be made to shoot targets with guns and if we hit between the 3 circles we would be let go and move onto the next training which was physical combat and if not, a punch to the face and we would be made to shoot again, I failed 2 times and made the shot by shooting in the bull's eye the third time, as they say, third time's the charm. In physical combat we have to first fight in the wrestling ring and then there's sword fighting, who ever gets the hit on the armor first, wins. I got through the wrestling ring in the first try, the sword fighting 6th time, we do this everyday till the actual war happens which is two weeks later.

Elijah's POV:

I went through Damon's entire bedroom, under his mattress there was a letter which said 

"I know you went through my entire bedroom and if you've found this, congrats, Elijah, I'm being forced to join the confederacy by my father, I'm out of the house and Stefan is left alone in the hands of a monster and don't try coming to search for me, it's better you don't, promise me you won't and it's probably better that you move on too, it's better than waiting for me 3 years, it's better that you do, I love you."


and I thought he's such a kind soul, he went to join an entire army which goes against his beliefs just to protect his brother, he knew that I could take him somewhere if his father had kicked him out of the house but didn't want to leave his brother to fend for himself, the true souls are always the ones to suffer, while bad ones like mine, don't.

Damon's POV:

If he has found that letter I hope he does what I told him to do, move on, its better for him, he's immortal I'm not, I won't forever stay with him, after how good he has treated me, he deserves better than me, I'm not good enough for him. Tears were flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall while I went to sleep.

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