14. Rescued

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I brought Damon to New Orleans, he was still unconscious, he was covered in dust and dirt from that disgusting cell, his shirt and jeans were all worn out, I was going to take them off to give him a proper bath, I took him to the room with the fireplace, while taking off a person's clothes while they're unconscious is inappropriate, I wasn't going to take advantage of his beautiful body, that's something I would never do, I took off his clothes and in the end his underwear, he was fully naked, he looked beautiful even though he was covered by dirt and dust, but just like I said I would never take advantage of him unconscious, not just because of my morals but because he has already been raped by Katerina, he doesn't deserve to go through trauma such as that, enough of those thoughts, I picked him up from the couch in the room, took him to the bathroom and put him into the bathtub and cleaned him of all the dirt he had on him, he looked just as good as he did 15 years ago nake- (Elijah control yourself).

I laid him on the couch by the fireplace right after I was done washing him to dry him, I rested his head on the arm rest and put the blanket that was on the bed of the room to cover him. I then went down to get blood from the basement to feed him after he was starved for so long by the damn doctors. I took one look at how beautiful Damon looked sleeping and then went down.


I woke up on a couch by the fireplace in a really nice room which was a part of some huge mansion. I then noticed I was completely naked only covered by a blanket, It felt so nice to get out those disgusting clothes though, I wrapped the blanket around me and got up, my head started to rotate since I was still weak because I had not consumed blood properly in 15 years. I tried walking over to the door and right then Elijah entered the room and I let go of the blanket in surprise and Elijah saved it from falling by speeding towards it, he then picked me up from bridal style and said "You need to get rest since the vervain hasn't left your system and you have been starved by those doctors so we need to get you back on your appetite" he then put me on the bed, spread out my sheets, caressed my cheeks and said "sleep well" I then drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and heard Elijah walking towards the room, in order to tease him, I put my legs out of the bathroom and barely covered the crotch area. he walked in and looked startled, he then asked "Damon, what is this, you don't wanna tease me, trust me, seeing you all naked and gorgeous has been making me want to jump you" and I said "Well then, come and claim your prize" I pulled the blanket down a bit more and he said taking off his belt "alright, come here" he jumped onto the bed and started kissing me hard, he then took off his shirt revealing his toned abs and chest, he turned me around forcefully and started kissing my neck which was my soft spot, I said "Elijah, I'm still weak, please, not so hard" and he whispered "Well you should have thought of it before teasing me" and took off his pants and underwear at the same time. I went down and started sucking his 10" member which was making me gag but I didn't care. he made me pull out and turned me around again and started slapping his huge member on my ass he inserted in and said while moaning "your whole is still as tight and as thick as back then" and started thrusting it in and out while I was moaning loudly and screaming his name. he took it out after 3 hours and put his member on my face and came on it, I then swallowed it all and I then came on my chest. He held me tightly in his arms and we cuddled till we both drifted off to sleep.

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