Chapter 1.

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I close my eyes and let my imagination run. Anything to block out the noise. I imagine the way his hands used to caress the dips in my waist. The way it would make my body shiver and small moans would escape my mouth.

Imagining this allowed momentary relief from the screaming and sound of dishes being broken and abused by my parents downstairs.

"Guess I have to buy new plates again" I say to myself as a reminder for later. I shove my pillow into my face screaming into it to prepare myself to stand up and walk down the stairs to a scene I've seen one too many times.

As I round the corner to the kitchen I see broken plates and glasses all over the kitchen floor. There my mom is crying on the floor while my dad tries to pick up the pieces of shattered glass.

"I'm sorry Dean!" My mother weeps.

"Jane just go to our room." My dad exhales.

My mom brushes passed me tears still rolling from her face I stand there leaning against the door way and just stay silent until she's up the stairs. My dad huffs a couple times before speaking up.

"Addy baby I'm sorry. You..your mom she's trying ." My dad fumbles to find the words to excuse my mothers crazy behavior.

She's been a drunk since I can remember and my dad has aided and abetted her since I can remember. Constantly apologizing for her and swearing she's trying to be better. Twenty years later and she hasn't really tried. Just always says she will.

"Dad I'm just've always had me just a week I'm moving in with Bailey." It's exhausting worrying about a parent and with me moving in with my best friend I've been incredibly stressed.

My dad has always had me. I might not agree with how much he puts up with from my mom but no matter what he's never let it hurt our relationship. He's an amazing dad when he's not cleaning my moms messes. So leaving him behind feels like a betrayal. But it's time for me to start my life I can't keep letting my mom hold me back.

"Addy..I will be okay..I..I think I'm going to find somewhere for your mom..I just it's time.." he bows his head to the floor and wipes his eyes. "She's gotten too bad this year..I..I don't think I can do it anymore." He weeps this time. His love for her is so strong but it's worn him down.

You can tell just by looking at him. He's forty-six but looks fifty-five. The wrinkles under his eyes and on his forehead show years of heartache but the smile lines show that there was some light in his life. His perfect salt and pepper hair and the shadowy scruff that's been on his face since I can remember.

"I'm happy you're going to get her help need to take care of yourself." I console my dad as I walk towards him and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me giving me a gentle squeeze nodding ever so slightly before he let go and walked toward the pantry. To grab the broom I assume.

I took this moment to escape upstairs and into my bathroom to prepare for the day.

I start the shower and wonder over to the mirror to examine myself while I wait for the warm water. My long waist length hair caress my now bare skin and I shiver. I look into my bright blue eyes and get lost in thought. I've got nice lips, cat shaped eyes, and a cute button for a nose. I know I'm considered quite pretty but I've never felt that way.

Unless I'm with mind reminds me. The sudden reminder jolts me out of my trance and the mirror is now completely engulfed by dew. I quickly hop in the shower so I can get done and out of the house quickly.

Considering how this morning at the Bloom residence went I don't think I want to stick around too long today.

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