Chapter 13.

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I wake up quickly to the buzzing of my phone on my bed side table. I lean over and snatch it off the charger quickly checking the notifications. Three missed calls from Bellamy throughout the night. Six missed calls from my phone starts to ring again and I quickly answer.

"Addy baby thank god you answered." My dad says quickly. His tone is shaky and concerning instantly sending me into a panic. I jump as warm arm wraps around my waist. I look over and Blake is mouthing to me asking if I'm okay. I forgot he stayed here last night. I had hoped he'd be gone when I woke up.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask slowly trying to stay calm.

"Oh god..oh Addy. It's your mom. She.." he trails off and I can hear him muffling tears and sobs.

"Dad?" I ask pushing him to speak up.

"Addy..she..she was in an accident. She didn't make it." He says it quickly but in almost a whisper. You can hear how hard it is for him. My mind goes empty I feel numb. From a different point of view I'm sure I look stunned. We sit there in silence neither one of us knowing what to say to each other. Blake still resting his arm on me looking into my eyes trying to figure out what's going on.

"I'll be home in a minute." I say blankly before ending the call.

"Would you please go get Bailey?" I ask Blake slowly. I lay on my back and look up at my ceiling staying silent as Blake gets up and rushes to grab Bailey.

I can hear them talking through the door but I can't make out what they are saying. Bailey swings my door open and rushes to my side of the bed.

"Hey babes what happened?" Bailey ask me as she sits on the edge of the bed close to my head so she can rub a hand through my hair. I turn my head to face her. I look at her with her messy blonde hair in a bun and her perfect blue eyes looking at me with so much worry. Blake standing behind her still shirtless with his black ripped jeans on. Looking down at me with the same worried expression. The sad faces of my friends breaks me and the tears finally come.

"Oh Addy.." Bailey says softly as she lets me rest my cheek in her hand and cry.

"My mom died." I say shakily as the tears cause me to lose my breath.

The room stays silent. Blake and Bailey are frozen. No one is moving or making a sound. All you can hear is the small clock on my nightstand ticking and my small sobs.

After what felt like the longest pause Bailey grabs my shoulders and lifts my torso up wrapping her arms around me. I gladly hug her back and continue to cry into her shoulder.

I can hear the shuffling around me and I can hear the people talking but for some reason I can't register what they are saying or doing. All I know is I'm currently starring out the window of Blake's passenger seat as Bailey rubs small circles into my shoulder from the seat behind me. They are talking about me and to me but I can't move or say anything. My mind starts to wonder as we drive to my dad's house.

What happened to her? How is this happening right now? What fucked up universe am I in? I feel so empty. I feel so lonely. There's only one person I want to talk to right now and he's not here. I need him to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay. I need him to take care of my broken heart. Why did he have to help break it? Again.

Blake jolts me from my thoughts as he places his hand on my thigh. I quickly look at him then back out the window. I can't handle this right now.

I grab my phone and check the notifications again. Another missed call from Bellamy and a text.

"Please call me Adaway." The text simply states but it makes my heart sink. I want to but thinking about the way Brooke looked straddling him last night quickly stops me from considering it.

I look back up from my phone and my stomach turns as I look out the window and the familiar brick house I lived in for so long appears in front of me. Blake parks his car and tells me how sorry he is as Bailey and I get out.

"Thank you for the ride." Bailey says as she closes the back door. She walks up to me and wraps an arm around my waist and I lean my head on her shoulder as we walk up to the front door.

I take a moment to really enjoy my porch and the view in front of me. The red wooden door thats so basic but still pretty. The wooden porch and brick of the house contrast each other so well. There's so many memories on this porch.

My mom drunk stumbling up the three small steps. My dad and I sitting out on the rocking chairs to escape whatever tantrums my mom was throwing. Then there's the rare moments I remember my mom standing on the porch smiling as Bailey and I played in the small front yard.

I take a deep breath and twist the small metal door handle pushing the door slowly open. I step in and I see my dad rushing down the steps to me. He's wearing blue jeans and a blue Magellan shirt his salt and pepper hair isn't perfectly styled like usual and the bags under his eyes are so much darker than usual.

"I'm so happy you're here now." He says as he reaches the bottom of the stairs and wraps his arms around me squeezing me so tight.

"Me too dad." I say into his chest as I squeeze him tightly back.

My dad invites us into the kitchen and pours Bailey and I coffee. Placing the cups in front of us as we take a seat at the island of the big kitchen. Being in the kitchen without my mom feels so wild. It's so quiet and peaceful compared to its usual chaotic and loud nature. I no longer feel the need to sit on the edge of the small bar stool in preparation for hell to let loose.

We spend hours in the kitchen talking and remembering my mom. Trying our best to remain positive and nice but the strange relief of her absence makes it hard for me to not say anything I would regret later. My dad finally tells me what happened to my mom. Very slowly trying to hold back his sadness but failing with every word he said.

Apparently my mom snuck out of rehab with some other patients and they all went to the bar got drunk then they all tried to walk back and my mom stumbled into the street and a truck hit her. I quickly made the remark that at least mom died doing what she loved but my dad didn't appreciate it as much as Bailey did.

No one pressed charges on the truck driver considering it was a busy street and an accident. My dad said the truck driver was petrified and extremely apologetic. Even offering to pay for my mom's funeral expenses but my dad politely declined. Explaining to the man that my mom was ill and it wasn't his fault.

"The funeral is in four days." My dad says as he rubs his hands over his face and leans against the kitchen island. "I chose to cremate her so it won't take long. I just want this all to end." He mumbles into his hands.

"Do you think anyone will come?" I ask him softly.

He looks up at me and takes a minute to collect his thoughts.

"I hope so." He says softly. "I need to go lay down baby." He adds as he walks around the island and places a kiss on my forehead before leaving the kitchen and locking himself in what's now only his room.

"Me too." I whisper softly even though he's too far to hear my response.

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