Chapter 2.

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After an hour of getting ready I'm finally at my new apartment to sign papers with Bailey.

Bailey is my best friend. We grew up together she only lived 5 houses down from me so we've been with each other since birth basically. She was born the same week as me actually just 3 days older than me but she never lets me forget it.  We are total opposites but exactly the same somehow.

Her bubbly and Barbie attitude and look help distract from my brooding and Wednesday attitude and look. It's the stereotypical friendship and friendship story. Pretty boring honestly. But she's a great friend and I couldn't live without her.

"Ahhhh Addy!!! I can't believe it." Bailey exclaims while she grabs me and jumps up in down on the creaky wooden apartment floor.

"Bailey I know...!" I screech in excitement with her. Dropping my sad naive girl persona.

"In just six days it'll be me and you against the world Addy..time for new experiences, lots more partying, and some sexy men." She says with a smirk.

"Can we not talk about men right now.." I groan and shove my face into the palms of my hands.

"Oh come ON Addy..he'll be back he always is. I don't know why you two won't get over yourself and just get together finally!" She almost yells as she shoves my shoulder and gives me a quick smile when I glance up from my palms.

I quickly put my face back to my palms. Again. She means get together again. But she doesn't know that.

"Fuck off.." I mumble.

"Fine. Fine. I'll fuck off. But isn't Bellamy supposed to be at the bonfire tomorrow night?" Her reminder was just another jab but I let it slide.

"And I will go and be his friend just like always. You know this." I look up and roll my eyes as I repeat a sentence I've said to her at least a thousand times.

"Yeah. Yeah. Well now that we've signed the papers I think some celebratory shopping is in order!" She excitedly says as she grabs my arm and drags me out the door.

Not long after we arrive at the mall. We've decided we are shopping for the bonfire tomorrow. It's to celebrate the start of summer now that college is out. Bailey and I both go to Vanderbilt University and we've both officially survived freshman year of college.

"Okay so I was thinking small top with baggy bottoms! Comfy but sexy screams bonfire!" Bailey exclaims as she rushes towards a blush pink tube top with the word Honey in black across the front. I smile and nod in approval.

"Well since you got the tits and I got the ass I think I'm going to do the opposite!" I say with a giggle. Bailey shrugs as if to say "I thought so"

I make my way over to the changing room of the boutique to try on a few things I've picked up and Bailey follows right behind.

After and hour of trying on clothes Bailey settled on some black baggy cargo pants and a plain tight pink crop top with a very low v.

Then after much debate I ended up with some black shorts that showed just the slightest bit too much and a cropped black long sleeved baggy band tee.

"God those shorts look so fucking hot on you Addy!" She slaps my ass and gives me a giggle as she yells it out to the whole store.

"Shorts? Looks more like someone's panties to me."

My eyes go wide immediately.

Bellamy. To say it's a shock to see him here would be a lie. Bellamy's friend owns a store in the mall so he's here pretty often. But yet I still felt so shocked.

Turning around and saying something snarky would usually be easy with Bellamy but ever since graduation night my tongue seems to get tied around him.

I pulled myself together as quickly as possible and started to speak but Bailey beat me to it.

"Bellamy you're just mad you can't have some of this." She taps my ass this time as she mocks Bellamy.

His instant glance into my eyes makes my stomach turn.

"Ew gross what the fuck Bailey." I shove her shoulder as I flip Bellamy off with my other hand.

"Well I'm glad you showed up Bellamy because I wanted to ask you..if you would please drive us to the bonfire tomorrow! I know you said you would drive Addy but Bellamy doesn't drink therefore we could drink..." Bailey blurts this out while trying to cover my ears as if I won't hear.

"Bailey! No!" I groan. Before I can say more Bellamy has agreed.

"You know I don't mind taking care of my best friends." Bellamy says as he pulls us in for a group hug. His arm wraps around Baileys neck but his other snakes around my waist and squeezes tight. Instantly reminding me of my fantasies from this morning. Causing my insides to melt. The hug was quick too quick I wanted more.

"But I'm bringing Brooke too." He says quickly as he backs out of the boutique and vanishes around the corner.

I groan loudly and throw my head on Baileys shoulder.  Brooke is Bellamy's girlfriend they have been dating for three months now and she's incredibly obnoxious but Bailey says I'm biased.

"Oh come on Addy. She's not that bad she can be fun!" She says trying to lighten the bad news. I give her and eye roll in return. She's know it's more than that.

"I know.." she says as she grabs me for another quick hug. Finally after our stressful encounter we've checked out and both headed back to our homes for the night.

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