Chapter 9.

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"I'll be right back." Bellamy says as he stands and puts his shorts back on. I nod my head and start putting my shorts on as well before sitting back down on the blanket.

I watch as he disappears into the woods and I let my mind wonder.

Being with Bellamy doesn't feel real. My emotions are all over the place when he's around. I crave his attention and his touch. I feel like I can't control myself. He takes over every inch of my body. I've never had such a strong connection with anyone.

I've been so scared of getting hurt by him. But if I'm honest with myself he broke my heart years ago. Watching girls come and go when all I wanted was for him to notice me. Finding out that's he's wanted me all along makes me happy but doesn't heal the hurt.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Bellamy ask scaring me and bringing me out of my thoughts. He's back with a basket and a six back of beer.

"You." I say with a smile as I watch him sit down next to me. Enjoying my shirtless view.

"You changing your mind?" He ask with concern.

Honestly I can't tell where my minds at.

"Addy just give me one chance. I promise I won't let you down." He pushes further.

I look at the sad look on the handsome boy in front of me and my heart melts.

"Bell..just please don't hurt me again." I say with a sigh as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I won't my love." Bellamy says as he plants a kiss on the top of my head.


"That's so fucking hot!" Bailey screeches and slaps her hand on my shoulder. "God I knew he was good at sex!" She exclaims.

"So good. He dropped me off five hours ago and I'm still high from it." I say as I put my hand on my forehead and pretend to pass out on Bailey's lap.

"I've got to find me something like that." She sighs.

"So are y'all going as a couple to the Fourth of July party?" Bailey ask while nudging my shoulder and raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah. He invited me when he dropped me off." I say with a smile.

"Let's celebrate! Let's go out!" Bailey says jumping up from the couch.

"On a Tuesday?" I ask twisting my face at her.

"Yeah come on we can go to that shitty little dive bar and get drunk and play pool!" She practically begs.

"Okay." I say with a giggle standing up and throwing my hands up as if to say I surrender.

After an hour or so of getting ready bailey and I head to the bar. We walk into the bar and Bailey immediately goes to order our drinks. I scan the bar in hopes to see Bellamy I sent him a text letting him know that I'd be here in hopes that he would come.

As I'm scanning the bar I notice an open pool table in the corner so I walk over to it and start setting up a game for Bailey and I.

"Look who made it." Bailey says startlingly me and making the pool balls scatter around the table.

My eyes dart to the door and in walks Bellamy and his friend Jake. My heart flutters. I was with him only a few hours ago but it feels like I haven't seen him in forever.

"And he brought me a friend." Bailey says with giggle as she takes a seat by the pool table.

"Hello love." Bellamy says as he walks around the pool table and wraps an arm around my waist. Giving me a small kiss.

"Hey baby." I say softly looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Be on my team?" I ask as I sneak my hands up his black button up to feel his chest underneath. I wouldn't usually be so openly intimate but around him I can't stop myself. He quickly grabs my wrist and removes my hands.

"You can't do that or we'll have to leave." Bellamy whispers in my ear as he pulls me into him by my wrist.

"Okay kids break it up. Some of us want to play pool." Bailey says with attitude.

I roll my eyes and push myself back from Bellamy. Walking over to grab a cue stick I grab two and pass one to Bellamy.

"I'll break!" Bailey exclaims. I see her whisper into Jake's ear and next thing you know he's helping her break. Bailey is bent over her breast falling out of her tight red tank top. Jake is pushed as close to her ass as he can get. His hand resting over hers on the cue stick.

After a few minutes of them flirting she finally breaks.

"Yay strips my favorite!" Bailey exclaims in her fake flirty voice. High pitched and annoying but it always seems to work. Right on cue Jake laughs and congratulates her by whispering something nasty I'm sure in her ear. She takes her next shot and misses.

"You go first." Bellamy says as he gently taps my ass. Making me smile and my cheeks turn red. I lean over the pool table trying to find the perfect shot. I glance over my shoulder to look at Bellamy and I see his eyes devouring my body. I arch my back just a hair more in hopes to extend whatever fantasy is playing in his head.

I take my shot and two solid balls fall right into the pockets. I immediately look towards Bellamy with a smile on my face. He slowly claps his hands and congratulates me. I make my next shot and miss.

"I'll be right back." Bellamy says as I walk towards him. He waits till I make it all the way to him kissing me on the forehead before wondering off towards the bathroom.

The sound of the bar door opening draws my attention. I look up from the my drink and see Blake walking in with a couple other guys.

"Great." I mumble under my breath.

"Maybe he is stalking you." Bailey says as she walks over to my side of the pool table.

"Seems like it." I say with a giggle. I keep my eyes on Blake as he walks over to the bar. Luckily he's yet to notice im here. I glance away for only a second and when I look back up he's looking right back at me.

"He's got some hot friends." Bailey whispers to me snapping my attention away from Blake. "Oh and here they come right on cue." She says taking a sip out of her drink.

"Hello pretty." Blake cockily says as he walks over to me and leans against the pool table in front of me. At this point I've glanced around and noticed that Bellamy is still gone and apparently Jake had followed behind him.

"So you are stalking me?" I say in a harsh but joking tone.

"That's right I couldn't stay away." He says as he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I place my hand on his chest and push myself back from him.

"Try harder." I say bluntly. I take a few steps back from him.

"Adaway don't be this way." He coos as he stands up and walks towards me. I look over at Bailey to see if she's witnessing Blake's behavior but she's too consumed with one of his friends to notice.

"Don't. Call me that." I bark out. I take a few more steps back. Blake steps closer. My heart beat picks up as he steps too close to me. Not from excitement but fear. His actions making me uncomfortable.

In the blink of an eye Blake is colliding with the wall next to me. His head makes an awful sound as it smacks the brick wall. I flinch and close my eyes hoping to avoid any sight of blood.

What just happened? I think to myself with my eyes still closed.

"Holy shit!" Bailey yells out. Making my eyes snap open and look right at her.

"Let's go." I hear Bellamy say as he grabs my arm. But my vision is blurry and my head is dizzy.

I look over to Blake and his face is covered in shiny red liquid. The voices in the bar get louder and my vision getting hazier.

Before I know it I'm in Bellamy's truck staring at the white line in the road as we drive away from the small dive bar.

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