Chapter 8.

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Three days. That's how long I gave myself. Three whole days to think and process on my own. I promised to call Bellamy but I never said when.

So for three days Bailey and I enjoyed our apartment. Doing all the cheesy things you think two best friends would do. We drank lots of wine and cried and talked together for hours. Both of us trying to help each other through life's problems. Except with Bailey and I it's basically the blind leading the blind.

"So are you sure that's what you want to do?" Bailey ask as she tilts my head back to better see while she braids it.

"I'm sure." I say making eye contact with her through the mirror in front of us.

"You think he'll be upset?" I ask quietly.

"He'll be okay. He's a man he will get over it." She says smooth and confidently.

"You're right." I nod in agreement.

"Okay all done!" Bailey claps as she stands up from the floor celebrating braiding my hair.

"Now time to make a phone call Ms.Bloom I've let you avoid this for long enough." Bailey says and she plops my phone into my lap. "I will leave your room so you can have some privacy." She says as she pretends to bow to me and leaves the room.

I stare down at the name on my phone my finger hovering over the call button. I take a few deep breaths before I finally let my thumb fall onto the button.

It rings three times before he picks up. "Hey Blake..I'm sorry I haven't answered your calls I wasn't feeling good the past few days." I lie to him again.

"You know Addy he's only going to hurt you." Blake says bluntly.

"Excuse me?" I nearly choke on the air in my lungs

"Someone saw you two at the theater Saturday. Addy I really care about you. Bellamy is not someone that deserves you. Don't do this." Blake pleads but in a demanding tone. "He can't give you what I can." Blake adds.

"What can you give me exactly Blake?" I ask pushing him to continue.

"I can give you everything Addy. I can give you trust and stability. You'll never have to question my feelings for you. I'll never make you feel second to any woman Addy. Bellamy can't give you these things. He's a liar and a player. He only wants to fuck you and you know it." Blake says softly at first but getting harsher in tone with every word.

"Who are you to say something like that? You don't know Bellamy the way I do. Sounds like I was right about you you're just another asshole." I bark out ending the call before he can say anything else.

Who does he think he is. He doesn't even know Bellamy the most he knows is campus rumors. What an ass.

I stand up and walk over to my bed letting myself fall backwards onto it so I can stare up at my ceiling fan. I know Blake's not entirely wrong I act like I haven't been saying the exact same things about Bellamy. But there's just something about what he said to me on Saturday night that really stuck with me.

I want him and he seems to want me.

I take a deep breath and raise my phone to my face. Slowly typing Bellamy's name into my contacts. His name pops up immediately and I click on it. My thumb doesn't hover this time. This time I'm confident and sure.

Two rings and there's an answer "I thought you changed your mind." Bellamy's voice rings through my ear. "I'll pick you up in thirty minutes put on a bathing suit." He says quickly then hangs up the phone before I can say no.

I can't help myself when my cheeks flush red and a big smile escapes my lips. Thirty minutes isn't enough time. I quickly hop up running back over to my mirror and taking a look at myself. Thankfully Bailey had just finished putting my hair in a loose version of boxer braids so I don't have to worry about that.

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