Chapter 5.

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I watch mindlessly as Bailey cooks and bakes in the kitchen. Preparing for our mini party she planned. We took all week decorating and moving into the apartment so it was perfectly set up for tonight.

"I'm getting laid tonight." She exclaims breaking the silence in the small kitchen.

"Haha..okay then. I hope you do?" I say slash question.

"You should too. If you want to get over someone get under someone." She says with a sly smile.

"Hm maybe I will." I say as I shrug my shoulders. 


In what seemed like the blink of an eye our friends started to arrive.

We ended with about twenty five people which surprisingly all fit comfortably in our apartment.

"Hey pretty." Someone says.

I look up from the glass in my hands and I'm met with a tall guy. Very attractive. He's got shaggy black hair, brown eyes, and perfect bone structure. He's lean but not jacked. He's got a runners build. No visible tattoos but a nose piercing. Hot.

"Hey." I say quickly.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be on my beer bong team? I'd love to have the prettiest girl here as my teammate." He says while brushing a stray hair back behind my ear.

"I'm Blake." He says right after sticking his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Addy and I'd love to play with you." I say as I stick my hand out for him to take. He places his hand in mine and I lead him to the beer pong table. Purposely walking in front of him so he can watch the way my tight black dress raises as I walk.

We make it to the table and I'm happy to see our opponents are Bailey and whatever boy toy she has picked out for the night. As we start our game I notice the door open. In walks Bellamy looking as good as always. I shake my head and try to brush the thought of him to the back of my mind. I focus back on the game and my new company.

"Bailey you fucking suck!" I say as I laugh. "You've missed every shot!"

"Ugh I suck at this!" She whines as she throws the ball again. This time it's sinks right in. She screams and jumps up in down and I follow behind her. Equally as excited for her as she is.

"Nice shot Bails!" Bellamy booms from behind me.

I instantly grab on to Blake's arm. Quickly pointing out that I'm not available to Bellamy tonight. Two can play his heartless game.

"Why thank you sir." Bailey giggles as she pretends to bow.

Bellamy brushes my shoulder as he walks around me to the other side of the table. Looking down at me for just a second. He takes a seat on the couch next to a few drunk girls and starts talking to them while the rest of us continue our game.

"Oh come on Addy! Only three cups left don't miss!" Bailey yells at me.

I lift my hand to throw the ball but I'm paused by Blake's hand being placed on the small of my back. He leans towards me and whispers in my ear. "You got it." He grazes his lips over my ear as he pulls away.

I throw and sink it. Jumping in excitement. I turn to Blake to hug him and when I face him he grabs me and places a kiss on my lips. Gentle but electric. For just a moment Bellamy has disappeared to me.

"Ooops I'm so sorryyy." Some drunk girl says as she stumbles and spills a drink down my back.

I yelp from the feeling of cold liquid running down my back and turn to see it's one of the girls that was sitting with Bellamy. Did he tell her to do this?

I quickly rush off to my room to change. I walk into my room and go to close the door but something stops it. I look down and see a black combat book stuck between the door frame and the door. I follow the boots up to the black jeans. Ripped in just the right ways and a perfect fit. I keep traveling up and I see the black v neck t-shirt I'm all too familiar with.

The door pushes open more and Bellamy steps in and closes the door behind him swiftly locking it after.

"Bellamy please don't. Just go I need to change." I say turning away from him.

"Let me help." He says stepping closer to me trying to close the space between us.

"I don't need your help! Did you tell that girl to do this? Bellamy you're such an ass!" I say my voice slowly raising as I turn around and push his back by his chest.  "What's your problem?" I say even louder this time.

"Adaway stop. I didn't tell Jess to do that to you. I promise. She's just drunk and clumsy." He says reaching out and grabbing my arm pulling me towards him. I want to fight back but my body won't move.

"You're lying. You always are. You do anything to get your way." I say softly this time looking at my feet to avoid his eyes.

"Addy please." He pleads putting his fingers under my chin and pulling my face up to look at him. He leans his face closer to mine our lips only centimeters apart. My body is on fire and I want him right now.

"No." I say surprising even myself. I step back and walk around him walking towards my bedroom door.

"I don't want you Bellamy and you don't want me. We made a mistake and it's ruining our friendship. Can we please just stop pretending to want each other and forget about it. I miss my friend." I say stuttering and mumbling most of it being a lie doesn't help.

"Addy I..I'm sorry." He says bowing his head and rubbing his forehead head with his finger tips. "I'll go." and with that he swiftly exited my room.

I chose to lock my door and strip before laying in my bed. Choosing to ghost Blake and the party since I don't feel like partying or entertaining someone anymore.

I stare at the ceiling and watch my fan spin in circles as my mind races with thoughts. Until I finally drift off into a deep sleep.

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