Chapter 18.

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I wake up with the sun shinning on my face through my window. Bellamy and I tossed and turned with each other all night but I still woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. My head resting peacefully just below his collar bone.

"Good morning beautiful." Bellamy says softly as he places a kiss on the top of my head. His raspy morning voice stirs something inside my stomach.

"Good morning." I say shyly back.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Starving." I reply at the same time my tummy rumbles making both of us let out a small laugh.

"Stay here I'll make us breakfast." He adds as he smoothly stands up and replaces his comfy chest with a way less desirable pillow.

"Mmm thank you." I mumble out as I close my eyes again.

I drifted back into a soft sleep but was quickly woken back up by a loud banging on my front door. The banging stops for a moment and I sit up and search my room for my clothes that I threw off myself last night.

Then the banging starts again. So I quickly jump up and grab Bellamy's shirt off the ground and throw it on. I walk quickly out of my room and towards the door.

"Bellamy who is it?" I ask as I notice him looking through the peep whole in the door.

"Brooke." He says coldly.

"Oh." I'm not sure what else to say as I respond simply.

"Bellamy I know you're here! Your trucks outside! We need to talk!" Brooke screams through the door. She sounds insane.

Bellamy looks at me then back at the door and takes a deep breath before he swings it open. I take the few seconds to get out of sight from the door but not so far I can't hear them.

"I don't want to talk to you Brooke." Bellamy says just as quickly as he swung the door open. He starts to close it back but she places her foot in between the door and the frame. Stopping it from closing.

"I'm sorry you don't have a choice." She says in a harsh tone. The way she's speaking to him makes me want to explode. Who does she think she is?

"Okay. Then talk." He says back to her in the same tone she gave him.

"I..well..bell." She starts to mumble.

"Spit it out." He harshly spits the words at her.

"Bell..I'm pregnant.."

My heart stops. My knees buckle and I'm on the ground in seconds. My eyes already watering. I look up and meet Bellamy's eyes. He's looking at me with an expression I can't quite make out. He looks sad, angry, and confused. It feels like we've been starting at each other for hours and he just can't seem to find anything to say.

"Bellamy?" Brooke questions him which snaps his attention right back to her.

He takes one more second to look my way before he steps out the door closing it behind him.

Time passed so slow after that door closed. It almost felt like it stopped. Ten minutes passed then ten more. Then before I knew it I had been sitting on my cold wooden floor for three hours. I finally stand up and build up the courage to open the door.

I swing the door open and I'm not surprised when no one's there. Why would they still be here? I silently laugh to myself as I close the door back. I feel insane. My mind is all over the place. I can't catch a break.

I sit on the couch and pull a blanket over myself trying to hide from the world. My dream of Bellamy and I slipping away by the second. I jump up when I hear the sound of the door opening. My heart jumps with me.

"Addy! You home?" Baileys voice booms through the small apartment. "Oh hey!" She says as she notices me on the couch. My heart hurts to find out it's not Bellamy.

"Where's Bell I figured you'd be glued together?" She says so calmly naive to the shitty situation from earlier. Making my heart and stomach twist at the memory. I can't find words. I swear I've lost the ability to talk. The only thing I can do is cry and once it started it didn't stop.

I managed to tell Bailey the summary through the tears. She responded the same way I did. Pure shock came across her face and she had no clue what to say. So we spent the day in silence watching shitty tv while I clung to my phone waiting to hear something from Bellamy. But as the hours kept passing my hope faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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