Hitch and Marlowe

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Narrator's POV

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Narrator's POV


"Aren't we going a little too far?"

"Well, we're not going to find them in the middle of the town."

A boy with a bowl-cut named Marlowe and a woman with medium-sized hair named Hitch who are Military Police scamming around the forest to find the Scouts.

While they were walking, Hitch was looking around the bushes and told Marlowe, " Sheesh, why'd I get stuck with you?" exasperated Hitch. Then she thought of something, "You just wanted some time alone with me, right?" Hitch said.

Marlowe turned to Hitch, " Hitch, sorry but I didn't want to partner with you, either." said Marlowe. " Is that so, well that's fine, then," Hitch said as she scoffed. "Doesn't it strike you as strange, though?" Marlowe asked.

Hitched questioned what Marlowe was getting, " Why would the survey corps run around killing civilians" puzzled Marlowe.

"What?" Hitch said in disbelief. " They risk their lives for Humanity's sake every day, right?" Marlowe said. " Haven't you forgotten? Remember what they did in Stohess? They turned it into a battlefield! They left a pile of bodies for us to clean up." responded Hitch.

"And, we still haven't found Annie," Hitch said. Marlowe could tell Hitch felt down every time she mentioned Annie. " We.. share a room. Her stuff is still in my place. It's in the way." Hitch confessed. Marlowe had to agree with what Hitch said, "Yeah, what they did was quite overwhelming. But, they found a titan that was in hiding and captured it. They kept the wall from being breached. "

"Could any other group of soldiers have done that? If the survey corps just disappeared then humanity-"


Immediately he kept his mouth shut because of Hitch. They aimed their guns at the pond where they found a man collecting water.

"Don't move." Marlowe threatened the man and aimed right at him. "Put both hands up. Stand." Marlowe demanded. The man did as he was told putting his hands up and stood up slowly. He then turned around revealing his face. "You're Survey Corps?" Marlowe asked. But the boy stood silent.

" That's right. Just stay silent. Do what I say, and it'll all be --"

 Do what I say, and it'll all be --"

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