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That day...

One boy gripped the dagger in his heart. He used it to kill a titan, stomping its massive head into the ground.

How.. did humans who saw that sight feel?

Some were filled with pride.

Some were filled with hope.

Some were filled with uncertainty.

Some were filled with rage.

But all of them screamed.

Now, if Wall Maria is taken back. What scream will fill Humanity's Hearts?

Can they ever believe again, that there is a place for them in this world?

Can they ever be made to believe that they control their own destines?

Can they even believe that they are truly free?

If these soldiers retake Wall Maria?


I was faced on the front with my horse, with my light seeing any danger. Yes, I was in the front. The front of all the cadets. I was scared as heck. I didn't even think about it, I was just going forward.

I heard a hoove, making the horse swerve a little. "Woah!" A cadet said. "Hey, keep the light on your feet!" Levi lectured the cadet. " Right.. Sorry sir."

"Are we still not at the foot of this thing? It's almost morning." Levi groaned. "If we can get past this mountain, we'll be close to Shiganshina. Luckily, we didn't go to any danger since y/n can tell if there was any danger ... or not."

There's a titan on your left. It's sleeping, but there's nothing you should be worried about.

"Captain Levi and Squad Leader Hange, right ahead there's a titan over there sleeping," I whispered to them. But before we even alerted the crew,  Jean saw it quickly, "Titan to the left!! Everyone halt!! Illuminate the area!" Jean ordered.

"Shhhh!" I shushed them.

"It's alright. It's just sleeping. The little one doesn't seem to be one of the newer types that can move around at night. Let him be." Hange advised. "Phew.." Hange sighs of relief. "We didn't even notice it until we were so close.." Eren shivered.

Well, I told Levi and Hange but Jean had to scream out for it.

"Not surprised, the darkness is what's protecting us." Hange explained, "Connie and Historia encountered a moving titan at night, and the moon was out. The moonlight reflected sunlight, however, new titans use  a small amount of sun energy to move. It was a good thing to wait for a new moon."

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