Chapter 19

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When Elizabeth woke, the sheets were down around her knees, along with her pants. At some point she'd tossed and turned, kicked them off so as to stop sweating. It was warmer in here than her own room, stuffier with the front window shut and the curtain closed. The AC helped a little, but even it couldn't properly combat the humidity.

She climbed out of bed and staggered towards the bathroom. The door was closed, blocking out the exterior lights, and nothing shone through the gap beneath it.

"Hobbs? You in there?"


Maybe he'd gone for a run — it had to be close to six o'clock, surely — or left to check things with base security. She eased the door open and slipped inside, eyes going straight to the shower on her right. It was empty. Good.

Elizabeth turned the cold tap on then peeled off her shirt, let her pants fall to the floor. A burst of warm water came through the pipes before it finally ran cold. Cupping her hands, she splashed her face and neck before plunging her head into the spray. Rivulets ran down her back, soaking into her bra and underwear, and streamed off her chin.

There was no better way to wake up than stepping into an icy shower. The chill, the inevitable shiver down her spine as her body rapidly cooled — it was the only relief she'd found in Cuba, short of driving to the beach and jumping in the ocean.

"No footage at all?"

Hobbs' voice came from outside. Good. It seemed he was back. She wanted to ask if he had any packets of tea in the cupboard. Just up and searching through his kitchen felt a little rude.

"None." A second voice. Male. American. Familiar. "Wouldn't you know it but all the camera feeds went down just minutes earlier."


Oh shit. If he came inside, he was liable to see her standing there in the bathroom with almost no clothes on. And that guy was the last one she wanted to explain her unwarranted presence to.

"It's a little convenient," said Luke. "You think Shaw can still be trusted?"

At that, Elizabeth straightened herself out and scowled. Was he really in a position to be asking that? If she'd wanted to shut him up permanently, she'd had plenty of opportunity to do it last night when he was asleep. Throat exposed, bare chest there for all to see - a knife through his rib cage would've stopped Hobbs in his tracks, regardless of how fast he reached for that revolver.

"I don't know." Little Nobody again. "But the threat we need to focus on is Cipher. The Shaws can be handled later."

Handled? She turned to face the motel room and glared at the figure standing in front of Hobbs. With one arm braced against the door jamb, the Fed almost completely blocked her line of sight, but she could make out Reisner's face. I'll handle you first.

"Alright. If anything else comes up, let me know."

"Sure thing, Hobbs."

Once the front door was closed, Elizabeth turned the shower off and picked her clothes up off the floor, making for the bed. "He couldn't handle us," she said, gesturing at the door with her shirt, "if his life depended on it."

"Ahem." Luke cleared his throat as he sat himself on the bed and removed his boots. "You want to, uh..."



"Oh, please," Elizabeth scoffed. What was it with men and acting like prudes whenever a woman dared to expose her underwear? "Don't pretend like you haven't seen a bra before."

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