Chapter 35

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If God was watching right now, he was laughing his ass off. Here she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to intravenous drips, and next to her, like deja vu, sat the man who once took everything from her, including her memories. "You shouldn't be in here."

"Neither should you." Owen Shaw sat forward in the chair Dom had placed at her bedside. The one her husband should have been sitting in. "Yet here we are."

"What do you want?"

He reached toward her face, only to brush a loose lock of her hair back out of her eyes.

One gesture and suddenly they were back in that garage, with Owen standing there, telling her that if something happened to Letty of all people, he might find it slightly harder to bear. Showing her that despite the black void he called a soul, there was something still human inside him.

Something not completely marred by blood and violence.

At least that was what she'd thought until that day on the bridge and the moment Owen showed his true self.

"What every Shaw wants."

He looked at her as if he expected her to understand the implication.

Letty did.


There was no reason to say another word. Letty knew what he was planning to do, and to whom. If Shaw didn't kill Jakob, he'd make that asshole suffer at minimum. Every bullet returned to sender.

"What about your..."

The word 'sister' died on Letty's lips as the door to the room opened and Dom walked in, two cups of cheap coffee in hand. He didn't say anything as Owen pushed himself to his feet, collecting the crutches that leaned against the back of the chair.

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," Owen said. "Take care, Letty."

"You too."

As half-hearted as it sounded coming from her, right now Letty meant every word of it. Try as she might to ignore the reality of their situation, there was no denying that the Shaws had been their lifeline.

One that was now severed, no thanks to their enemies.

"Hey," Dom said once they were alone, giving Shaw's presence no more attention than he would a shadow on the wall, "are you alright?"



If Letty knew Owen Shaw as well as she thought she did, he wasn't going to sit around in this hospital for any longer than necessary. Screw his injury and all the other shit he was dealing with right now, there was business to attend to—someone in need of killing—and God help anyone who got in his way.

Dom looked at her with those kind eyes that said he could talk to her about anything and squeezed her hand. "Letty."

"I'm fine." God knew she wanted to tell him what she suspected, what might very well happen soon enough, but that wasn't Dom's problem. It wasn't hers either, for that matter. Owen could look after himself. "Really. How's everyone else?"

"Alive." But right now Dom didn't want to think about the rest of their team, or why Owen Shaw had been in his wife's room. "Letty..."

"We can't stay here."

It'd been ticking over in his head, too. If they followed Mr. Nobody's advice and went to some other base, what were the odds Cipher would track them down all over again? No, they had to keep moving.

And they had to find Sam.

Without her, Cipher would have nothing on Hobbs. No leverage, no power over him—the Fed could come home instead of worrying about his daughter. All they had to do was find a child-sized needle in a haystack.

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