Ch. 10 - The Battles Begin pt. 1

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A large, dark blue ninja-like creature leapt onto the stage with a splash. On the other side, heavenly gates appeared and the green haired goddess walked through them, ready to battle her foe. Master Hand announced both of them by their names, before explaining the rules as this was the first fight of the season.

"The rules are simple: for the first round of battles, you have unlimited time to battle, with. Stages will be on the official Super Smash Brothers Battlefield format, but may take a different visual form like this one will be. There are no items, but as you battle, you may power up and begin to glow. You are allowed to use this power, known as your Final Smash. Once you're knocked off the battlegrounds, you're out of the tournament. The victor will proceed to the next set of battles."

The stage then began to transform into the Umbra Clock Tower: a free-falling like stage with chunks of a clock tower falling. This was the battlefield version of it, so it also included three platforms.

Master Hand's technology never ceased to amaze you or your friends. You, Chrono, Joro, and Veen all lived in a relatively poor place, with not much technology. You have a television that broadcasts the Smash Tournaments and a few other stations, but a lot of your entertainment comes from your friends and what you can do outside. If anything, this is why you liked Smash Bros so much! Seeing the world change in such amazing ways with technology you couldn't even fathom... and so many people from so many different places all coming together to fight, it proved that ultimately, everyone is equal.

Stage: Umbra Clock Tower — battlefield form
Song: Mysterious Destiny (instrumental)

The battle then begun, and music began to play as Palutena and Greninja rushed at one another. The Goddess used her staff to shoot projectiles that Greninja easily dodged. She would call out, "explosive flame," as she shot a ball of fire. It hit Greninja, but didn't do as much damage to him as it might do to another fighter. This is because he's a water-type pokemon, and water isn't affected by fire very much. Of course, Palutena would be able to recover from this mistake.

The two jumped around the battlefield. Greninja hit Palutena with some water shurikens, injuring her a little bit; and she'd use her god wings to send wind at him in an attempt to push him off the map. Both were agile, but it seemed that Palutena had the upper hand. Both had arrived to Smash at the same time, but she seemed to be an overall more seasoned fighter. You wondered if this was because of her Goddess status, and if her being a deity of sorts meant that she had to be trained for anything, compared to the pokemon, who could do whatever he wanted day in and day out due to his more peaceful world. You knew next to nothing about Gods and their duties, or pokemon and their lives.

The battle was like this for a while. And yet, no one was bored. Everyone was intent on watching the two battle, even if the motions were essentially the same: jumping, walking around, dodging each other's attacks... it was so enthralling that no one cared about the repetitiveness. More people were cheering for Palutena, but you suspected that these people were just simps. She was a beautiful Goddess after all, many people were unable to resist beauty like that... And yet, Chrono was somehow, as he was loudly cheering, "GO GRENINJA! KICK HER ASS!!!!"

A pillar of light shot down from the heavens and hit Greninja. He let out a shriek, "GRENINJA!" as he was hit. He tried to use his tongue to grab the Goddess, but missed. She also tried grabbing him, but he dodged. She tried again, and caught him. She punched him a few times, before bending backwards and tossing him off the edge of the map. Greninja used water to help him recover, grabbing the ledge.

The crowd gasped as he saved himself, but it was soon in vain. Palutena was charging up her goddess wings to send a big gust of wind at the edge, and released all her power when Greninja got up. He was sent flying off the map, a bit too far away for him to recover. Greninja would fall to his defeat, landing on safety cushions that were placed by the staff for the fighters that would fall off the map.

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