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Well, shouldn't I start from the beginning?

Taehyun never liked physical touch, I learned that fast from when we first met.

The teacher had made a new seating chart due to a separate incident with bullying, causing a girl to end up in a mental hospital, so he decided to separate us to people he knew we didn't know.

And I was sat by Taehyun.

Sometimes I wonder if he never moved our desks by each other this would've never happened, or it was destined to happen either way, the butterfly effect is crazy, isn't it?

As Taehyun sat in the chair next to me, the air shifted to something more tense, the air around him felt different, he was mysterious, in a way.

He was handsome, of course, face sculpted nicely, he was fit but not overly fit like some of the jocks in our school.

He mentioned being a boxer, isn't that cool?

His knuckles were always bruised and cut up.

I started conversation with him, wanting to get to know my new seat mate, he didn't seem like the mean type.

"Hey, I'm Beomgy Choi, year 11." I reached out my hand with a smile, expecting for him to shake it, he glanced down at my hand briefly, before meeting my eyes again, bowing his head politely.

"Taehyun Kang, I'm also in year 11."

I lowered my hand, slightly hurt but I didn't dwell on it, we had just met after all.

"I think we should be friends! Considering we sit by each other and all.." I traild off, looking at him hopefully.

"Okay." Taehyun nodded.

I smiled.

"So, who do you usually hang out with?"

"No one really." Taehyun stated quietly.

"You don't have any friends?"

Taehyun shook his head.

"Well, I'll be your friend!"

Looking back, I shouldn't have offered that.

I should've just been civil and stuck with my other friends.

It would've been better for him.

This wouldn't have happened.

Maybe then I wouldn't have had to seen how empty his eyes were in the drivers seat, drained from life. The way his leg was twisted almost backwards, his skull peaking through his dark hair, the way his scalp was ripped back, showing his brain which wasn't as pink as the tv shows made it out to be. Maybe I wouldn't have had to seen the burns on his face from the air bag. Or the sound of his blood dripping from his agape mouth onto the velvet floor of the car. No matter the damage he was beautiful, nothing could've changed that.

Taehyun didn't have the best home life.

He didn't know his parents, he was left with his aunt who had a problem with opioids, the residue of blue power littered most of the surfaces.

He didn't talk about it much, he wasn't the type to open up freely.

Despite the lack of parental figures, he had a sister. Taehyun loved his sister, she was like his mom

One of the first fights we had was about 2 months after we had met initially, we had grown very close.

I was at his house, his aunt was out again, so it was just me and him, his sister was out working a night shift.

The Ghost of You ~ TaeGyuWhere stories live. Discover now