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//Creds to the movie Saltburn for inspiring one of these scenes:3//


Missed calls, unread text messages.

They piled up.

When I stopped going to school, going in public, my friends texted me, asking if I was okay, to come back soon.

But then they started to get more worried, they thought I had done something to myself.

Then they were angry.

The first person to give up was Soobin, then Kai.

Yeonjun texted every day but soon it slowed to once  a week, every two weeks, then it was every month or so.

The days blurred together, I hoped if I stayed in bed long enough maybe one day I wouldn't wake up.

Back then, I was just waiting to die.


"Beomgyu, jeez your hair is a mess." 

I rolled my eyes, leaning back in the beanbag, focusing my attention on Yeonjuns tv, the vibrations from the controller tickling the palms of my hands as my fingers moved quickly, trying to beat the level of the game.

Yeonjun reached over to the back of my head running his fingers through the back portion of my hair.

My face contorted in pain as I jerked away.


I shot him an annoyed glare.

"You made me die."  I placed down the controller, looking at the ground.

"What the fuck happened to your head?"

"Nothing. I just fell. Chill out."

Yeonjun reached over again fighting back my resisting to get a better look.

"That's a huge fucking scab you don't get that from just falling."

I shrugged, looking away. "I'm clumsy I guess."

"You don't fuck around with head injuries are you insane?! What happened?"


"Weren't you with Taehyun just a few days ago?"

I stood up, feeling my face flush with anger.

"He didn't do anything. I know you don't like him but don't blame him for-"

Yeonjun stood up, stepping closer to me.

"Why are you defending him? Did he do that to you?"


Yeonjun stepped closer, his eyes dark with anger. "So god help me if I find out Taehyun did this to you."

Yeonjun reached for the back of  my head again, he held me in place when I tried to move away.


There wasn't a day I wasn't thinking about him.

Even before he died, I thought about him.

Every minute of every day.

Was I obsessed with him?

Of course I was, I loved him.

Love is cruel.

Love tears you apart from the inside.

Even if you don't want to love someone, you can't really control it.

You know Taehyun,

I would've killed for you.


Hushed breathes and short gasps, my teeth dug so deep into my lip it bled, the familiar taste of copper  lingered on my tongue. 

My nails dragged against the linen sheet as my mouth fell open into a string of curses, feeling my eyes prick with unshed tears.

The image of Taehyun's hands dragging across my body, holding me down,

Loving me.

"Shit!" I gasped, pressing my face into the soft, black cloth of Taehyuns hoodie, breathing in the scent, the sensation spreading throughout my entire body.

I wanted him to mark the imprint of his hands into my skin, to see days after.

I wanted him to hurt me.

I wanted anything if it was from him.


Beomgyu stepped unsurely down the cracked sidewalk, Taehyun walking next to him, watching him carefully.

"Where are we going Gyu?"

"You'll see."

"It's getting a bit late for you to be out, it's cold."

"Do ghosts feel temperature?"

"No. But humans do, I'd prefer if you didn't die of hyperthermia."

"Don't be dramatic." Beomgyu laughed softly, taking a turn to a closed gate, he pushed it open.

Taehyun stopped in his tracks.

"What are we doing here."

"To see you of course, silly."

Beomgyu disappeared behind the gate, after a minute of hesitation, Taehyun stepped inside of the cemetery.

He found Beomgyu standing over a grave, he could only assume it was his.

"Not to judge but taking me here is kind of weird as fuck."

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun, the look in his eyes unsettled him.

Beomgyu dropped to his knees, the damp dirt staining his pants.

"Beomgyu what-"

Beomgyu unzipped his jacket, throwing it to the side, leaving him in a t-shirt.

Taehyuns eyes widened.

Beomgyu locked eyes with him as he untied the strings of his sweatpants.

He pulled them down just enough.

Beomgyu let himself fall forwards, pressing his body against the wet ground, his pale skin tainted by the dirt.


Dirty was the only thing to explain what Taehyun was watching. 

He knelt beside him, brushing his outgrown hair from his eyes.

"You'll have to shower after this."

Beomgyu breathed out a small whimper, nodding in agreement.

Taehyun watched Beomgyu closely, the movement of his hips.

"You're fucked up, you know that?"

"Yeah." Beomgyu said through deep breaths, his voice strained.

Taehyun let his hand travel to the back of Beomgyus head, his grip turning harsh as he shoved Beomgyus face into the dirt.

Beomgyu moaned out, the sting of the action felt almost heavenly.

"Keep going." Taehyun said lowly, holding him into the ground.

And Beomgyu did.


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